Chapter 18-2 The Spanish- American War
Cuban Issue Buy Cuba in 1854 (Spain Refused) Jose Marti (Launched revolution) Business supports government American Public supports Cuba Libre
Yellow Journalism Spain tries to restore order in Cuba Concentration camps William Randolph Hearst & Joseph Pulitzer Exaggerated accounts of camps Yellow journalism—lure & enrage readers “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.”—W.R.Hearst
Remember the Maine & War Spanish minister insults McKinley USS Maine explodes Spain gave in to all US demands War in the Philippines Naval battle (Easy victory)
Rough Riders Cuba (Small army, poorly trained volunteers) Rough Riders (Teddy Roosevelt) San Juan Hill Spanish fleet destroyed Puerto Rico invaded
Splendid Little War Treaty of Paris (1898) Guam, Puerto Rico to US Bought Philippines Justification of Imperialism McKinley (Prayer) Booker T. Washington Samuel Gompers