The Spanish-American War “A Splendid Little War” April-August (December) 1898
Causes Cuban desire for independence Jose Marti Valeriano “Butcher” Weyler sent to Cuba (1896) Cuban towns turned into concentration camps (300,000) Yellow Journalism (Pulitzer and Hearst) De Lome Letter
Spark USS Maine explosion (Feb. 15, 1898) 260 killed It’s on
Strategy Americans Ignore Spanish agreements for peace Attack Spanish Imperial holdings Eliminate Spain as world power Weaken Spain’s morale Philippines Guam Naval victories (blockades)
Strategy Spain Weather and terrain Surrender (didn’t work for a long time)
Major/Turning Point Battles Manila (8 American wounded; 361 Spanish dead) Guam San Juan Hill (200 killed; 1200 wounded) Puerto Rico (450 Spanish dead; 4 American deaths)
Heroes and Goats Americans William McKinley George Dewey Rough Riders 9 th and 10 th cavalries Theodore Roosevelt Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst
Heroes and Goats Spanish Weather Valeriano Weyler Pascual Cervera Daring escape - failed Cubans Jose Marti
Cost ($ and Lives) Americans 2500 dead (380 in battle) Approximately 2200 from disease and poisoned meat 1700 wounded Between $250 and $400 million (current $6 billion) Spanish More dead than U.S. All Imperial holdings
Treaty Treaty of Paris (1898) Officially signed in December though cease- fire signed in August Terms Cuba independent U.S. gets Guam and Puerto Rico U.S. buys Philippines for $20 million
Non-Treaty Results/Long Term Significance Unifies North and South (first war since Civil War) Angers anti-Imperialists Philippines McKinley wanted to “educate Filipinos and uplift and Christianize them” World Police