Minimum Dataset ‘Lymphdat’ Pippa McCabe Lymphoedema Clinical Lead
Background Figures on incidence, aetiology and epidemiology of lymphoedema in Northern Ireland to date have generally been created from data collected from the UK as a whole. It would be ideal to be able to capture this information on lymphoedema using Northern Irish data. Therefore it was decided to create a minimum dataset to collate this data
Aims To create a database of information that will tell us more about: Lymphoedema as a condition Treatment received by patients Provision of ‘at risk’ information Regional differences in lymphoedema management Provision of garments and the funding of these To assist with audit and research
Developing the Dataset Using CREST Guidelines for the Managment of Lymphoedema (2008) and the lymphoedema assessment tool it contains a minimum dataset has been created and named ‘lymphdat’ This is now nearing completion and we will soon be starting to enter data.