The "Constitution State"
Connecticut was one of the original 13 colonies and was founded in the year 1636 by Thomas Hooker First English settlers arrived in 1635 Connecticut's original name was "Quinnehtukqut" which means "beside the long tidal river“. Due to Connecticut's short and recently started history something like the widget company joining us could certainly make it in history books, so if you join us people will always know about the widget company. Connecticut was the 5th of the original 13 colonies to become a state on January 9, 1788.Connecticut was the 5th of the original 13 colonies to become a state on January 9, 1788.
In 1636 the colony of Connecticut was founded by Thomas Hooker and the other colonists. Most of colonial people that lived in Connecticut during the colonial time were Dutch. Joshua Hempstead was one of the colonist that had a diary in which he recorded in on a daily basis about things like baptisms, military trainings, court sessions, ship traffic, town meetings, deaths, his own travels, celebrations, and other important events going on in Connecticut. with so many things going on in Connecticut we’re the perfect colony for a lively business like the widget company.
Connecticut was within the coldest of the three regions. mild and short summers leading to long, cold winters but less disease than in the warmer colonies. Narrow lowlands and hilly eastern upland. The basic geography of New England consisted of mountains thick with trees, and rivers. Farming was difficult for crops like wheat because of the poor soil but corn, pumpkins, rye, squash and beans were planted. Also their ships thrived to produce fish. Because our lush thick forests full of trees we have all the wood the widget company could ever need. Not only this but the weather was so cold, your workers would beg to stay in and work.
They export and trade Fish, timber, furs, ships, livestock, and rum. Connecticut's most valuable livestock products are dairy products are milk and chicken eggs. Tobacco and hay are the state's largest crops. Connecticut derives most of its wealth from industries like making rum, and building ship parts which is perfect for the widget company.
Connecticut's colony has a lot of diversity and would be fine for anyone of any religion. Catholics that believe in Jesus Christ as the son of god who they believe created the world. Puritans believed that the Church of England was tolerating to many new religious practice. Quakers are not much different from Christians they believe in Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and became for us the sacrifice that would restore mankind. The variety of religions would make you feel comfortable and at home in Connecticut.
The New England Confederation was started in 1643 when New Haven & Connecticut colonies joined with Massachusetts Bay colony & Plymouth colony. Connecticut sent their governor John Winthrop in 1662 to secure a royal charter for the colony from London. He was successful and got the charter with which Connecticut gained the legal right to exist as a corporate colony & obtained New Haven. With Connecticut’s well set government and organization with other colonies you wont have to worry about the governing of Connecticut, nor lack of customers.
During around 1637 the Pequot war started with many local native tribes trying to prevent the colonist from settling in the Connecticut river region. In 1675 a native named Phillip son of a chief had tried to make peace with southern New England but failed. Even thought there wasn’t peace between the natives you could gain much supplies after taking them over and would have much more work done by turning them into slaves, a double win for the widget company if you join us.
The Connecticut colony didn’t have the proper land for cropping so we have used ships to produce food, and items from trade. Even though Connecticut had crop trouble they still grew large amounts of tobacco and hay. Also seeing how successful we will be other colonies would want your companies rudders as well if you join us.
Us and your rudders, go together like bread and butter. Without your fantastic rudders people will be aflutter. Your rudders are worth so much money, so much it isn't funny. For you to turn down this offer, would be as surprising as a flying saucer. So we've come to our conclusion, our companies should make a fusion.
"Connecticut's Economy." Infoplease. Infoplease. Web. 14 Oct Lazzerini, Rickie. "The History and People of Connecticut." Rickie Lazzerini, Web.16 Oct Alchin, Linda. "Connecticut Colony." Landofthebrave. 1 July Web. 14 Oct John L. Allen and Richard Buel, Jr., "Connecticut," World Book Online Americas Edition, August 14, "Colonial-Indian Relations." Web. 15 Oct Alchin, Linda. “Colonial Connecticut." Landofthebrave. 1 July Web. 14 Oct “Connecticut." Web.14 Oct Alchin, Linda. "Connecticut History Timeline." Connecticut History Timeline. Web. 17 Oct