IICWG 8 Frascati End User Requirements Oil & Gas Ideas For IICWG 8
IICWG 8 Frascati Example Ice Operations: N.E. Caspian Sea Shallow Water Island
IICWG 8 Frascati Objectives Increase info to end users & forecasters Improve Quality of Information Increase Speed of Delivery Focus areas include: –Emergency tasking –Oil spill –Analysis of different ice conditions –EER
IICWG 8 Frascati Ideas by End Users, O&G 1. Launch New/more Satellites: more, quicker, cheaper service? 2. Enhance a. ice drift monitoring & forecasting tools b. identification of ice types 3. Provide high resolution localized ice charts 4. Enhance understanding of ice conditions, Training
IICWG 8 Frascati 1. Use - or Launch New Satellites High quality SAR is expensive if done frequently Opportunity to get SAR at lower cost Provide real time data on ice conditions
IICWG 8 Frascati 2a. Enhance Ice Drift Monitoring Limited info - Radarsat image freq 1/day Mostly large scale movement Radar image processing Accuracy & reliability Need for a numerical forecasting model –What is the weakest link, currents? –1-5 day forecastfleet operations access by vessels
IICWG 8 Frascati 2b. Enhance Identification Ice type Location & application specific Cost is an issue General info needed: - stationary ice and drifting ice - ridges, size and frequency - rafted ice or stamukha's Satellite Imagery Capabilities?
IICWG 8 Frascati 3. Provide High Res Local Charts Ice charts for structures may be different - Ice structure interaction - Ice description: thickness, speed, ridges, rubble - Vessel and Marine access - EER Standardization ?
IICWG 8 Frascati 4.Enhance understanding of Ice Conditions End User focus; KISS Egg code “limitations” –Thin ice breakdown too coarse / fine –Thick ice breakdown too coarse in thick deformed ice –More annotations, different symbols Indications for deformed ice, rafted ice Optimize use of SAR in egg codes Training ?
IICWG 8 Frascati Summary Idea’s End users O&G Use / Launch new Satellites; frequent HR imagery Ice drift and drift monitoring Satellite Imagery Capabilities Standardization Training
IICWG 8 Frascati EO based services Useful, Available, Reliable Yes Affordable Sometimes O&G Awareness Insufficient Difficult to find out? Time consuming Future needs Various locations Exploitation of EO Various ESA help See next
IICWG 8 Frascati Suggestions for ESA to benefit the IICWG community 1.Document client needs and requirements: Survey, Site visits, Workshop and Distribute results 2.Document Satellite Capability; Sentinel compatibility; Product vs. Usage; Large vs. small area 3. Ability to handle risk and emergency conditions (EER, oil spill). Operational Access to Data 4. Focus on User Applications: multi platform Swath planners, ice types (ridging, rafting), 3-D info, filters, centralized data access, Web Cam