Honors World history Directions: 1. Grab the handouts next to the power point 2. Get out something to write with 3. Grab one white textbook near the windows
All societies need some form of leadership or government to function Gaining, seeking, and organizing power Events related to the function of government Making laws Enforcing laws Things to take notes on: - Leaders/Groups - State Structures - War - Treaties - Courts/Laws
How do people meet their basic material needs? $ Production, distribution, consumption of goods and services Trade Taxation Jobs Things to take notes on: - Trade systems (networks) - Industries / Businesses - Trade/Commerce - Money
Societies turn to religion for guidance Offers laws/rules that are applied to governments today Spiritual beliefs Things to take notes on: - Holy Books - Beliefs / Teachings - Deities
Having to do with people in groups Living together Relations with one another (gender, economic status, ethnicity) How does the society organize itself? - Political/Ethnic/Religious Things To Take Notes ON: - Family - Gender Relations - Social Classes (Hierarchy Pyramid) - Life styles
Intellectuals spend their time thinking about the “big picture” They provide…. 1. New ideas 2. Justifications for actions 3. Influence to political leaders 4. A bridge between political, economic, social, and religious issues Things to Take Notes ON: - Writing / Literature - Math / Science - Education - New Technology
Having to do with culture and artistic endeavors Literature, architecture, music, art, and dance What do they say about perceptions of society? Things to Take Notes ON: - Examples of Art / Music - Architecture / Buildings
LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION Are people located near important natural resources? (water, wood, oil, etc..) How does physical environment affect culture? (clothing styles, housing, ect..) Do people need to compete for necessities in some places? If so what happens? Things to Take Notes ON: - Location - Movements or migration trends - Region - Human & Environment interaction
Find a balance - Don’t go into too much detail - Get the “big idea” and identify the “big thing” as it applies to the topic Place page numbers for further reading, if needed Homework: Practice taking notes in PERSIAN categories. Read pgs in textbook