Our Community Rules R espect E nvironment S elf P eers E verything C ultures T eacher
Additional Expectations: Everyday before class, you must be lined up in two rows by the door. Make sure your shirts are tucked in. Enter the classroom quietly and begin working.
Be Prepared! Every day you must bring: 1. Homework 2. Several Pencils 3. Pencil Sharpener 4. College Ruled Paper 5. Books 6. 3-Ring Binder 7. Colored Pencils 8. Agenda Book
No Food, Drinks, or Gum! You may bring a bottle of water. All other food must be kept away until Nutrition or Lunch time.
Be on Time! If you are tardy you must report to T.N.T. before coming to class. If you receive more than four tardies, you will have detention with Assistant Principal Mr. Garza. If you are tardy excessively, your parents may be required to pay a ticket.
Restrooms You must use the restroom on your time before class, during breaks, or after class. A bathroom pass will only be allowed for emergencies.
Consequences 1 Warning Only! Take 5: you will be asked to leave and complete a form or letter. Detention: during nutrition, lunch, or after school. 30 min. detentions issued after more than one warning. Parent/Guardian Conferences: letters, phone calls, meetings, daily behavior charts. Deans Office: Administrative intervention, tickets, school detention
Rewards! Students of the Month: free homework passes Complimentary Notes Home Excellent Work Habits/Cooperation Grades Class Options
Homework You will be assigned homework everyday. Be responsible! Keep track of work due in your agenda book or calendar. Detention will be given to students who don’t bring their homework.
Grading Policy 40% Homework/ In- Class Work 10% Class/ Group Participation 30% Tests/Quizzes 20% Projects & Presentations
Grading Scale A= % B= 80-89% C= 70-79% D= 55-69% F= 0-54%
Tutoring “Beyond the Bell” Tutoring Program. Ms. Worley’s Tutoring will be required for students who’s grades fall to a D or below. If you don’t understand, don’t be afraid to ask!
Class Signals “Peace” Sign
Class Signals “I” have a question.
Class Signals Letter “C” stands for, “I have a comment.”
Class Signals “May I use the restroom? It is an emergency.”