Mrs. McConaughy Student Welcome1 Instructor: Mrs. Mc Conaughy Geometry: Periods 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8 WELCOME STUDENTS!
Mrs. McConaughy Student Welcome2 Course Prerequisites: C average or better in Algebra I Teacher recommendation Our Textbook: *E-texts are available online at * Additional student learning aids and resources are available at this site.
Mrs. McConaughy Student Welcome3 Necessary Materials: Necessary Materials: Textbook: Prentice-Hall Geometry Textbook: Prentice-Hall Geometry Pencils Pencils Colored Pencils Colored Pencils Erasers Erasers Loose-leaf notebook Loose-leaf notebook Filler paper Filler paper Calculator (w/ √ Key) Calculator (w/ √ Key) Compass Compass Protractor Protractor Ruler Ruler
Mrs. McConaughy Student Welcome4 Grading Scale Grading Scale Nine weeks’ grades will be based upon the following: Exams Announced Quizzes Daily Warm-Up Quizzes Homework Class Work/Board Work Special Projects (Group/Individual) Grades are posted online and updated Our Grading Scale % = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = F Cumulative exams will be administered at the end of every nine weeks’ grading period, and will count toward 15% of the respective nine weeks’ grade.
Mrs. McConaughy Student Welcome5 Exams Major tests will be given at the end of each unit, and occasionally, in the middle of a unit as well. Major tests will be given at the end of each unit, and occasionally, in the middle of a unit as well. ALL exams will be announced a minimum of one week in advance of being administered. ALL exams will be announced a minimum of one week in advance of being administered. Study guides are provided online or in class.
Mrs. McConaughy Student Welcome6Homework As this is a challenging course intended for the college-bound student, students are assigned homework on a daily basis. Homework can be checked in the following ways: Completion check Accuracy Daily warm-up quiz*
Mrs. McConaughy Student Welcome7 Daily Warm-Up Quiz At the beginning of every class period, students are provided with five (5) minutes to independently answer as many as five (5) questions. Questions will closely resemble previously completed homework problems or sample problems from class notes. Notebooks and completed homework assignments may be used as references. Warm-ups, worth 5 possible points each, are collected and graded on a random basis approximately ten times during each grading period.
Mrs. McConaughy Student Welcome8 Participation Students are encouraged to attend class daily and to participate regularly. Regular participation is evidenced by the following behaviors: - Completing and submitting assignments on time. - Asking/answering questions in class. - Bringing necessary materials to class daily. - Requesting extra help when necessary. - Participating in class/group work.
Mrs. McConaughy Student Welcome9 Extra Help On-site math tutors are available daily during study halls. All students will be provided with a tutoring schedule with room locations. This same schedule is now online. On-site math tutors are available daily during study halls. All students will be provided with a tutoring schedule with room locations. This same schedule is now online. Students are responsible for requesting a pass to leave their regularly scheduled study hall to attend tutoring. I am available for during. I am available for extra help during period 5CD. Students with no study halls are encouraged to attend after-school tutoring. Alert! Tutoring is available every Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:45-4:15 p.m. in our SV iHub (formerly known as the library). Alert! Activity bus transportation is provided for a nominal fee to students who attend after school tutoring..
Mrs. McConaughy Student Welcome10 Additional Resources Additional resources (guided notes, PPT lessons, study guides, etc.) can be found at my teacher website. Additional resources (guided notes, PPT lessons, study guides, etc.) can be found at my teacher
Mrs. McConaughy Student Welcome11 My wish for you: “May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art-write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. I hope sometime in the next year, you surprise yourself.” -Neil Gaiman