July 26,
To move away from the narrowly defined accountability system in NCLB To have a new accountability system that uses multiple measures with goals that are unique to each school/district To have results which are more meaningful measures of the success and progress of Kansas schools KS is already doing many of the parts, i.e. common core standards 2
No more AYP beginning with 2013 assessments No more 100% proficient by 2014 No more Title I schools or districts on improvement No more required Title I school choice or supplemental educational services (SES—after school tutoring) No more Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Improvement Plans 3
1. College- and Career-Ready Expectations for All Students 2. State-Developed Differentiated Recognition, Accountability, and Support 3. Supporting Effective Instruction and Leadership 4
Affect of waiver on 2013 QPA still under development 2012 was last “AYP” for QPA 2013 possibly use new annual measurable objectives (AMOs) to measure student performance (“P” in QPA) 10