John H. Nuckolls LLNL Director Emeritus Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting “Countdown to Ignition and Gain” December 3, 2008 Search For A “YES WE CAN” Ten Year Inertial Fusion Energy Development Strategy None of these remarks are necessarily the view of LLNL, LLNS-LLC, NNSA, the USG, or any other organization.
2 JHN FusPowAssoc_12/08 Ten Year Inertial Fusion Energy Development Strategy? Ten Years?? Manhattan Project in 4 years Apollo Program in 6 years Goal:In the next decade, develop Inertial Fusion Energy to address the great challenges of climate, energy, and the economy Funding: President-Elect Obama’s projected high national priority $150B, 10 year energy program
3 JHN FusPowAssoc_12/08 Ten Year IFE Development Strategy? Exploits Four Key Technological Strengths Smaller, cheaper lasers enabled by advances in targets Fusion reaction chamber wall protected from radiation damage Separate laser, target factory, and fusion reaction chamber enable rapid innovation NIF, supercomputers, and outstanding experts will enable major improvements in target performance
4 JHN FusPowAssoc_12/08 Ten Year IFE Development Strategy? Accelerate Ignition and Fast Ignition Why FI: A second robust path to ignition and high gain Requires much smaller laser energy; enables a revolution in fusion energy development and economics Potential for major increases in target gain via increases in implosion efficiency How: Surge in funding for Rochester FI experiments, FI target design at LLNL and University of Rochester, and for a NIF FI laser capability
5 JHN FusPowAssoc_12/08 Ten Year IFE Development Strategy? Four Steps to Fusion Power Build an efficient high-average power laser module, a target factory module and a fusion chamber Build a surged, heat capacity IFE system Build a fusion engine Breed tritium supply to initiate larger fusion systems Waste from fission power plants Build a fusion power plant
6 JHN FusPowAssoc_12/08 Ten Year IFE Development Strategy? Questions/Issues Major technological difficulties? Risks? Costs? Less than 10% of $150B? Strong, sustained, political support? Need detailed plans, system studies