SADC SITUATION Study on Education for Children with Disabilities in Southern Africa – November 2012 Aimed at collating a body of evidence to enhance existing insights and build new knowledge to inform the development and implementation of inclusive education across the region.
1. 1.ENABLING LEGISLATION AND POLICIES SADC member states acknowledge the exclusion of learners with disabilities from the education system and are showing some commitment to address this exclusion. supported and informed by international and regional human rights instruments that have been signed and ratified by SADC member states
LesothoMalawi Rights based National Constitution (1993)- protection from discrimination (disability implied) and right to free and compulsory primary education Ratification of UNCRPD (2008) Draft National Disability and Rehabilitation Policy (2011). Education Act (1995) Ministry of Education and Training’s Strategic Plan for Rights based National Constitution - protection from discrimination (disability stated) and right to free and compulsory primary education (1994) Ratification of UNCRPD (2009) National Policy on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (2006) Education Policy Investment Framework (2001) National Policy on Special Needs Education (2006)
MauritiusMalawi Ratification of UNCRPD and Optional Protocol in 2010 – reservation on article 24 (2B) Special education needs and inclusive education strategy document 2006 Education Act 1957 – free and compulsory education for all Rights based National Constitution - protection from discrimination (disability stated) and right to free and compulsory primary education (1994) Ratification of UNCRPD and Optional Protocol (2007) Integrated National Disability Strategy (2001) South African Schools Act (1996) White Paper 6: Special Needs Education: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System (2001 )
NamibiaSouth Africa Rights based National Constitution - protection from discrimination (disability implied) and right to free and compulsory primary education (1990) Ratification of UNCRPD and Optional Protocol (2007) National Disability Policy (1997) Sector Policy on Inclusive Education: Implementation and Supporting Guidelines (2004) Sector policy on inclusive education 2013 Republic of South Africa: Constitution of the Republic of South Africa No. 108 of South African Schools Act; Act No 84 of Education White Paper 6: Special Needs Education: Building an inclusive education and training system; The National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) Grade R-12; 2011 National Protocol for Assessment Grade R- 12; 2011 The Children’s Act; Act No. 38 of 2005 The Children’s Amendment Act No 41 of 2007 United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol December, 2006 Draft Policy on Screening Identification Assessment and Support 2014
SwazilandZimbabwe Rights based National Constitution - protection from discrimination (disability stated) and right to free and compulsory primary education (2005) Ratification of UNCRPD and Optional Protocol (2012) National Development Strategy (1997 – 2022) Education and Training Sector Policy (2011 ) P36 of 1989 Education act of 1987 revised in compulsory education for all children Ratification of UNCRPD and Optional Protocol 2013 Ministry of education secretary for education directive for inclusive education 2005
One of the demands by these instruments is for SADC Member States to adopt an inclusive education system; a system that is responsive to the educational needs of all learners including learners with disabilities (UNCRPD 2006, Education for All (EFA) 2000; United Nations Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for People with Disabilities; 1993)
2.Unreliable and unavailable data on learners with disabilities 3.Lack of awareness and negative attitude toward disability 4.Limited human capacity to support the development and implementation of an inclusive education system 5.Inaccessible and inflexible curricular 6.Inadequate financial resources 7.Good practices that are not put to scale and shared
CONSULTATIONS a)Presented and discussed during a meeting of Ministries' of education representatives in Johannesburg organised by SAALED. A technical team established. b)Meeting of technical team in Swaziland - 12 th – 17 th August 2013 c)Presentation of strategy to the meeting of Ministries responsible for education in Mozambique on the 15 th – 21 st September 2013 d)5 national consultations (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe) e)Meeting of Ministries of education in Swaziland on the 18 th – 22 nd November 2014
Vision The right to quality education for learners with disabilities in the SADC Member States is fully realized enabling them to gain knowledge, skills and values that will equip them to actively participate in their countries’ economic and social developmental activities.
REGIONAL STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 1.Facilitate the review, development and harmonizing of policies and programmes that will enhance access to quality education for learners with disabilities 2.Strengthening member states’ capacity to implement a comprehensive inclusive education system that will benefit learners with disabilities 3.Enhancing the scaling up and sharing of regional and national good practices. 4.Promoting and strengthening of evidence based programme planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation 5.SADC Member States and other Actors in Inclusive Education have adequate resources to Implement, Monitor and Evaluate Programmes
OBJECTIVES - OBJECTIVES - Strategic Priority One To facilitate the establishment of a conducive and supportive policy and legislative environment that enables the creation of an inclusive education system that accommodates learners with disabilities To facilitate development of new and review of existing programs ensuring access to quality equitable education for learners with disabilities
OBJECTIVES - OBJECTIVES - Strategic Priority Two a)To enhance capacity of member states to mainstream inclusion for learners with disabilities in all relevant sectors b)To facilitate the development and implementation of relevant, accessible and diversified curricula
OBJECTIVES - OBJECTIVES - Strategic Priority Three To strengthen regional and inter-sectoral collaboration, partnerships, networking and sharing of best inclusive education practices that promote access to quality education for learners with disabilities
OBJECTIVES - OBJECTIVES - Strategic Priority Four To facilitate the disaggregation of reliable and accurate data on learners with disabilities and the school environment.
OBJECTIVES - OBJECTIVES - Strategic Priority Five To mobilise funding for the implementation of the Strategy To coordinate and support the development of country monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.
WHERE ARE WE a)Data collection on children with disabilities b)Inclusive Education Teacher Orientation Training Manual c)Adoption of the strategy by SADC Ministries of responsible for education d)Implementation of the strategy