Ideas to create your digital story usingPhotoStory 3.
Importing Pictures… Click on Import Pictures to access the photos on your computer or your removable devices.
Click here to select your pictures. Watch them appear in your very own film strip!
Editing Pictures… Select the photo you wish to edit by clicking on it in the film strip. Here you can use a variety of editing skills to improve your photos. Change your photo clockwise or anticlockwise. Problem with red eyes? Click here to solve it! Change the colour levels of your photo.
Oh no, you have turned the photo around and you now have a black border. Want it to disappear? Click here That’s much better.
Click here to crop your photo. From this to this
Try clicking on Add Effect to change the picture to create the mood you are looking for. Go on have a play, which would suit your story?
Adding Titles Type your text in here and watch it appear on your photo. Change the font… and where on the photo you want it placed. Click Next to add your title.
How about making it more interesting? Why not record your own voice over your photos. Make sure you know what you want to say, click on the red button and speak into your microphone, stop when you have finished. Click Preview to listen first. Happy recording! One, Two, Three, Testing
Get Things Moving Now for the exciting part, lets get things moving. By clicking on Customise Motion you will get to imagine that you are using a video camera and are zooming in on certain parts of the photo. Let’s try it… Can you see I have selected the part of the photo that I want to be seen first by dragging the box around it. To end I want the whole of the photo to be shown. Remember to check what it looks like first by clicking Preview.
Adding Transitions Add the finishing touches by thinking about how you want your photographs to move from one to the other. This is called Transition. Experiment with the transitions that are more suited to what you want.
How about a little music? Click on Select Music if you want to include music from your computer. Feeling musical? Have a go at creating your own tunes to fit them to your photos.
Well done, you have created your own digital story. Go on try another one!