1 Welcome to Principles of Macroeconomics Summer 2012
2 The First Economist
3 You’ll need to know about this guy...
and this guy…
and a little about this guy.
6 What do employers look for in potential employees? Skills Most Sought After by Employers: 1) Communications Skills (listening, verbal, written). The ability to listen, write, and speak effectively. Successful communication is critical in business. 2) Analytical/Research Skills. Deals with your ability to assess a situation, seek multiple perspectives, gather more information if necessary, and identify key issues that need to be addressed. 3) Computer/Technical Literacy. Almost all jobs require some use of computer hardware and software, especially word processing, spreadsheets, and .
Jobs Outlook/Things to Consider jan-june12/jobs_05-04.html - 5:00http:// jan-june12/jobs_05-04.html 7
9 Your major also matters! If you want a really high paying job you should major in…. …engineering. If you want a high paying job in business or social sciences you should major in…. by-Major-and/127604/ by-Major-and/127604/ If you want a really high paying job you should major in…. …engineering. If you want a high paying job in business or social sciences you should major in… If you want a really high paying job you should major in…. …engineering. If you want a high paying job in business or social sciences you should major in….
Why you should come to class, returns to a college degree: 2006 Study by Barrow and Rouse: “Lifetime incomes of college grads in today's dollars average nearly $300,000 more than high school graduates over a 40-year career. And that's the net benefit, after deducting an average cost of more than $100,000 in tuition, room and board and potential income lost while attending college.” 10
11 Why you should come to class, economically speaking. For in-state student this class costs $931. Each class session costs approximately $52 on average. For a YSU graduate, the estimated gross returns are $5.60 for every $1.00 spent on education! ( ) Using this measure, on average, each class is worth $291 in additional lifetime income!
12 Scarlett Marie Wants You… …to do well in this class!
13 Keys to success: 1. Come to class and pay attention Attendance and Grade Distribution Last Semester ATTENDANCE GRADENumberABCDF Average Class Grade
14 2. Read – and use - the book More of this Less of this
15 3.Review the material outside of class. 4.Put effort into assignments and prepare for quizzes. 5.Do the study guide practice problems that are posted on the class website. 6.Use the tutors at the Center for Student Progress. 7. Come see me in my office, even if it’s not my office hours. 8. Stop watching Real Housewives of anywhere. It’s bad for you.
16 Keys to success… Opportunity costs: The value of what’s given up! There’s an opportunity cost to everything… … even texting. Proof: fY
17 Microeconomics
18 Macroeconomics