Types of –itis Injuries A.T. - Fall 2015
Bursitis Chronic inflammation of a bursa sac Frequent repetitive motion Becomes irritated and creates a pocket of swelling at the joints (elbow, knee.) Symptoms: pain, stiffness, swelling, redness, and tenderness
Fasciitis What is it? Inflammation of the muscle/organ. How does it happen? Overuse. Symptoms? Sharp pain in area of injury, stiffness, swelling, and tenderness. An example of Fasciitis is Plantar Fasciitis. It is the most common form of Fasciitis, people who are on their feet often are prone to Plantar Fasciitis.
Myositis What?- Chronic inflammation of muscle tissue. S/S- Soreness, tenderness, and mild swelling in muscle. MOI- contracting muscle causes soreness.
Synovitis What A chronic injury to the synovial lining of a joint How Membrane becomes inflamed and gets thicker with blood Signs and symptoms No pain Swelling Bleeding Examples Ankle Foot Hand knee