Chapter Next LC A coaching practice to help clients become more personally strategic as they make decisions for themselves
Who we are Two coaches: John Dankowski and Martha Johnson Former executives Served in public, non-profit, private sector organizations One view of work: Your work should be something you love and were meant to do Numerous personal experiences with change. Felt the panic and fear of change but powered through and prevailed Sold big house, shed corporate job, and traded certainty for excitement and purpose Fell from grace at work and turned to novel writing to repair Moved up, down, and side-ways in salary
Who are our clients? Our clients are people who: Find their careers unsatisfying and want something else Recognize their career/life balance is out of whack Sense adventure ahead and wish to be prepared Face an extraordinary challenge and seek a personal “kitchen cabinet” Use personal trainers for physical fitness. Why not for career/life fitness? Bring us a unique story each time of personal curiosity, anxiety, and hope To date the coaching practice has been built entirely through word-of-mouth and personal referrals
What is the practice about? Helping you become personally strategic by Articulating what your life’s work is about Refocusing your career as something you work in and on Taking inventory of and recovering your full value that the “big machine” no longer seems to see Exploring where your value can be met with appreciation and respect. Supporting you in knowing and representing your best self by Interrupting your current habits and assumptions Suggesting and exploring models, theories, or literature for new insights Recognizing (and challenging) the language, themes, and roles you rely on or have fallen into Appreciating troubles – naming them and using them in your own storytelling
What clients say about us “…very productive. I particularly found useful you reflecting back to me themes you were hearing as well as your ability to weave into the conversation your experience and career/management theory where applicable.” “I came away from Friday feeling energized and inspired!” “Your spoken words during our last conversation and your written words as a follow up were exactly what I needed, particularly in regards to my current job.”