Unit 14 entertaining Project: dinner with prof. Collins.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 14 entertaining Project: dinner with prof. Collins

Teaching objectives ---business skill objectives After finishing this unit,students should be able to: Translate Chinese cruise into English Make invitation in polite and efficient way do western dinner in right manner

Teaching objectives ---knowledge objectives After finishing this unit,students should be able to: Be familiar with different table manners Make invitation Master the method in translating food names

Project: dinner with prof. Collins Explanation of the Project Items needed for the Project (3 periods) Items needed for the Project Project demonstration (2 periods) Project demonstration Teacher assessment

Explanation of the Project What’s this project for? ---this project is for you to invite and dine with western guest in proper and efficient way. What’s your team assigned to do? Task 1 ( 任务 1): to submit a plan for dinner with Prof. Collins. Task 2 (任务 2 ) : to prepare a menu in English for Prof. Collins Task 3 (任务 3 ) : class demonstration of your dinner procedure

Explanation of the Project How to fulfill the tasks? (six-people team work)  task 1(one person’s paper work)  task 2(3 people’s paper work)  task 3(2 people’ in- class show) What are the difficulties in fulfilling the project?  Different table manners from country to country  Preparing the menu ( the process in western dinner )  Translation from Chinese dishes to English

Items needed for the Project Where to know about table manners? Examples in book From teacher’s illustration

Items needed for the Project How to prepare the menu? Examples in describing food Examples below:

中式菜名的翻译 一、以主料开头的翻译方法 1 、介绍菜肴的主料和辅料: 公式:主料 ( 形状 )+(with) 辅料 例:杏仁鸡丁 chicken cubes with almond 牛肉豆腐 beef with bean curd 西红柿炒蛋 Scrambled (弄乱,炒蛋) egg with tomato

2 、介绍菜肴的主料和味汁: 公式:主料 ( 形状 )+(with, in) 味汁 例: 芥末鸭掌 duck webs with mustard (芥末) sauce 葱油鸡 chicken in Scallion oil 米酒鱼卷 fish rolls with rice wine

二、以烹制方法开头的翻译方法 1 、介绍菜肴的烹法和主料: 公式:烹法 + 主料 ( 形状 ) 例:软炸里脊 soft-fried pork fillet 烤乳猪 roast suckling pig 炒鳝片 Stir-fried eel slices

2 、介绍菜肴的烹法和主料、辅料 公式:烹法 + 主料 ( 形状 )+(with) 辅料 仔姜烧鸡条 braised (烧,炖) chicken fillet (去骨的 肉片) with tender ginger

class demonstration What are you required to finish?  Submit your menu (paper work)  Simulate a dinner in class

class demonstration Demonstration rules:  Rule 1: each team (5 teams) get 15 minutes to finish your dinner show 每组要求在 15 分钟内完成本组用餐表演。  Rule 2: TEAM 2 is the judging panel of TEAM 1, and so forth. 以小组为 单位作为评审团为该组的上一组评分。  Rule 3: after hearing, every judging panel gives out your decision 每 小组应给出对其上一组综合表现(英语能力和商务技能的展示)的评分。

Teacher assessment knowledge tips Conclusion skills conclusion Demonstration judgments