Verbs Lesson
Verb- a word that express an action, a condition, or a state of being Action Verb: expresses a physical or mental action Transitive Verb: It’s an Action Verb that appears with a direct object ( person or thing that receives the action of the verb) Intransitive Verb: Action Verb without a direct object Linking Verb: Links the subject of a sentence to a word in the predicate. Forms of Be: am, is, was, were - Conditions: Appear, become, feel, look, remain, sound, taste Highlights what is in yellow on your paper
Auxiliary Verbs AKA Helping Verbs Forms of Be and had do, might, would, will, must, could, and would. would have been climbing are combined with verbs to form VERB PHRASES. Work On Exercise Pg 10 Ex A
Watch Video Verbs Video on youtube on active and passive voice
Transitive Verbs REMEMBER: Direct Object or Person or thing RECIEVES the ACTION of the VERB SUBJECT + Verb + Object. Move that chair out of the way Mom locked Dad’s wheelchair into place. I baked a pizza. He rode the bike. We move the sofa to another room. ONLY TRANSATIVE VERBS CAN BE USED IN THE PASSIVE VOICE Intransitive Verbs REMEMBER: Action Verb do not have an object receiving the action.. Subject + Verb but NO OBJECT The dancer moves gracefully. Uncle Lou snored loudly in the back of the van. (No object) I laughed. The book fell. He walks to the park. CANNOT BE USED IN THE PASSIVE VOICE HAS TO BE ACTIVE VOICE
Why it matters in writing Action Verbs can be used to create strong images and metaphors. Notice how verbs in the following passage convey a picture of rain soaking into dry earth The rain began with gusty showers…And at first the dry earth sucked the moisture down and blackened. For two days the earth drank the rain, until the earth was full. Then puddles formed….