Income Jul '10 - Mar ‘11Jul '09 - Mar ‘10 Change% Change Advertising5946,919-6, % Affiliate Income1, % Book Sales41,95944,633-2, % CD & DVD Sales63,43636,23027, % Conference184,23928,606155, % Income - Other16,94828,2691, % Total Income 308, , , %
2011 Income Breakdown
Income Y/Y Comparison
Cost of Goods Sold Jul '10 - Mar ‘11Jul '09 - Mar ‘10 Change% Change Advertising5,9314,5001, % Affiliate Income % Book Sales29,2669,03020, % CD & DVD Sales7,1421,3465, % Conference142,7014,100138,6013,380.52% Other19,8289,71910, % Total Cost of Goods Sold205, , , %
2011 Cost of Goods Breakdown
Cost of Goods Y/Y Comparison
Gross Profit Jul '10 - Mar ‘11Jul '09 - Mar ‘10 Change% Change Advertising-5,3372,420-7, % Affiliate Income % Book Sales12,69335,603-22, % CD & DVD Sales56,29334,88421, % Conference41,53824,50617, % Gross Profit - Other-2,880 18, , % Total Gross Profit 102, , , %
2011 Profit Breakdown **Advertising and Other Items yielded a combined loss of -$
Gross Profit Y/Y Comparison
Gross Margins Income% of Income Gross Profit% of ProfitsMargin % Advertising %-5, % % Affiliate Income 1, % %61.15% Book Sales 41, %12, %30.25% CD & DVD Sales 63, %56, %88.74% Conference 184, %41, %22.55% Other 16,9485.5%-2, %-16.99%
Gross Margin % Comparison