Is Truth Absolute or Relative? 80% believe in more than 1 way to heaven. 91% of Catholics agree. 68% of Evangelical Protestants say a good person who.


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Presentation transcript:

Is Truth Absolute or Relative? 80% believe in more than 1 way to heaven. 91% of Catholics agree. 68% of Evangelical Protestants say a good person who is of a different religious faith will still go to heaven. 65% of Evangelical Teens say you can’t be sure which religion is right.

Christianity’s Exclusivity Jesus is NOT the only way

G. K. Chesterton When people cease to believe in God, they do not believe in nothing, they believe in anything.

“Is There A God? Hmm... For some people. I hope so, for them. For the people who believe in it, I hope so. There doesn't need to be a God for me.”

“He is wretched indeed, who goes up and down in the world, without a God to take care of him, to be his guide and protector, and to bless him in his affairs [...] That unconverted men are without God shows that they are liable to all manner of evil [...] liable to the power of the devil, to the power of all manner of temptation [...] to be deceived and seduced into erroneous opinions [...] to embrace damnable doctrines [...] to be given up of God to judicial hardness of heart [...] to commit all manner of sin, and even the unpardonable sin itself. They cannot be sure they shall not commit that sin. They are liable to build up a false hope of heaven, and so to go hoping to hell [...] to die senseless and stupid, as many have died [...] to die in such a case as Saul and Judas did, fearless of hell. They have no security from it. They are liable to all manner of mischief, since they are without God. They cannot tell what shall befall them, nor when they are secure from anything. They are not safe one moment. Ten thousand fatal mischiefs may befall them, that may make them miserable forever. They, who have God for their God, are safe from all such evils.” ―

Jerry Adler, Newsweek Writer “Today….If you experience God directly, your faith is not going to hinge on whether natural selection could have produced the flagellum of a bacterium. If you feel God within you, then the important question is settled; the rest is details.”

“If You feel God within you….”  Are feelings the ultimate Barometer of Truth?  Is God merely a life coach that gets us from one point to another?  Rather than being a God who commands you, its about finding a religion that empowers you.  Alan Wolfe Director of Bosi center for Religion at Boston College

Ravi Zacharias, apologist Truth, morality, & meaning are connected. If the first goes, everything else goes with it. Jesus established not merely the existence of truth but His own pristine embodiment of truth. To reject Him is to choose to govern oneself with a lie.

Feelings & Cancer Ex. Diagnosis: How can I be sick? I feel GREAT! Treatment begins w/ medicine which makes you feel MISERABLE. Your perspective on the ongoing ups & downs in life changes. Circumstances no longer dictate my attitude. Feelings are God-given, but they are nothing more than a guide as long as you have a fixed magnetic North Pole. Absent a North Pole, the world will spin your needle & wreck havoc in your life, & the feelings become worthless & deceptive as a guide.

Are all religious viewpoints are valid? Heaven doesn’t exist, Hell doesn’t exist. We weren’t alive before we were born & we are not going to exist after we die. I’m not happy about the fact that that’s the end of life, but I can accept that and make my life more fulfilling now, because this is the only chance I have. Atheist Ellen Johnson

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

World Systems & God ChristianityOne, eternal Triune GOD JudaismOne, eternal, just God IslamAllah, One, eternal MormonismMan who became a god Jehovah’s WitnessJehovah, but not Biblical God Hinduism33 Main gods BhuddismNone, only divine consciousness New AgePantheism: God is the Universe SecularismNone

Summary Opposite roads lead in different directions. Contradictory assertions can’t be true. Unmistakable clarity of the Bible. Jesus legitimacy on the subject. Irrelevance of popular opinion.