Northern Region Cunthia Koraul, Siise Aliyu, Abdou Fall, Mary Glower-Amengor, Konlan S. Pigangsoa, Franklin Avoryo, Cosmos Nyar, Zakaria S. Iddrisu, Kazuki Saito, Kenneth Opare-Oboubi, Alexendra N. Wiredu and Fred Kizito West Africa Review & Planning workshop Towards Achieving an Integrated Systems Approach
What available technologies and institutional arrangements do we have that can be integrated to improve productivity and NRM? Small scale mechanization for; Cropping, Transport, Processing Soil conservation techniques Zai, Ridging, contours etc. Integrated soil fertility mgt. Combination of organic and inorganic Crop rotation Rhizobia inoculation Nutrient manager( AfricaRice) Understanding Intensification approach that enhances crop and livestock systems
Improved availability of quality biomass Irrigation Fodder/ multi-purpose trees Cover crops Food-feed crops Medicinal plants Bio-conservation (no bush burning) Straw management Promotion of improved genotypes of cereals and legumes High quality seeds Farmer sensitization on production of quality products (Eg. Rice) Markets Nutrition Available technologies/socio-economic tools for Integration - Need sensitization of farmers to eat quality products: HH nutritional sensitization - Food preparation could reduce mineral content - Animal source foods are an entry point for improving quality - Training on handling and processing at the processing level is critical: adding value to soybean ; and food preservation - Conducting baseline studies where nutritional content of food taken up is assessed thru lab analyses Interventions: -Introduce fruit trees for each household to improve nutrition -Eating patterns, traditions socio-cultural constructs and settings
What specific activities will leverage the power of integrated research? Crop livestock intensification Crop-poultry Crop-small ruminants Cereal-legume-multipurpose trees Develop functional MSPs for value chain promotion Information access E-learning (extension materials) Water harvesting structures On-farm for livestock and supplementary irrigation Identify specific dev. domain - Approaches that assess systems and identify entry points leading to FtF outcomes. - Conveyance of manure: Introduce means of transport to facilitate manure movement for crop soil livestock integration: trailer mounted on bicycle, donkey transport - Txt msgs to inform farmers when to plough sow get inputs, market info - Construct solar driers to dry poultry manure, pkg them to sale them - Linkage of manure abundant areas to manure scarce areas
Conceptual Integration Framework Soil/ Water Live- stock Crops Int. S & W Mgt CLSI Nutrition /food security Value chain developmentLand and water right systems Natural Resource Base Research ideals Small scale mechanization. (processing) Soil and water conservation techniques Water harvest Irrigation Red. erosion Improved biomass Improved access to market & inputs Tools/strategies Institutional arrangements Tech-Interventions Process-oriented interventions: Cross-cutting
Writing team? Specific individuals? Key project partners Research team? Generic functions required? Yes; outcome driven Specific institutions and individuals? CG Centres National Partners Public partners e.g MoFA CBOs, NGOs, Private Sector Who should be part of the research team?
Development partners Other ‘knowledge’ partners Specific institutions (and individuals)? CSIR: ARI, WRI, SARI KNUST IPA Women dev. groups Who could we partner with?
Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation