1 Interactions with sample LANCE Users Diane Davies February 7, 2012 LANCE User Working Group Meeting Washington D.C. 1/30/2016 NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
2 Objective To understand user needs and get feedback on what improvements could be made to better server NRT applications Approach Metrics End user correspondence Interviews with users Feedback to development team Objective and Approach 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
Metrics for Users Accessing HDF Data 1/30/ NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
4 LANCE Users Rapid Response Imagery Brokers Direct Users Brokers *in 2011 come back 5 or more times per month for at least 10 out of the 12 months In excess of 2000 registered users Approx 180 unique users access HDF data per month (1.5TB) Approx 50 regular* unique registered users In excess of 50,000 unique anonymous users per month FIRMS Direct Users In excess of 4000 subscribers Send approx 1600 fire alerts daily Summary of users Vis inspection for download Download Data
5 Application areas 2/17/ Dust plumes off Argentina, Earth Observatory 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
Users contacted Contacted over 30 users Interviewed organizations 11 Brokers (5 USA, 1 UK) 8 Direct users Area of interest - 14 International - 2 USA only - 3 International for US goals OrganizationCategory British Antartic SurveyBroker Department of National ParksDirect user Earth ObservatoryBroker ERDC-CRRELDirect user GLAM / UMDBroker Consultant - Fire ManagementDirect user IRI Columbia univBroker MODIS Aerosols group trainingDirect user MTUDirect user NASA / GSFCDirect user NOAA National Ice CenterBroker NASA OAS Flood Mapping Broker Pacific Disaster CenterBroker Polar Geospatial CenterBroker EPA /Sonoma TechnologiesDirect user SERVIRBroker SMOG BLOG / Renewable EnergyBroker University of Cape TownDirect user USGS FEWS-NETBroker 1/30/ NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
7 What NASA LANCE NRT data or RR imagery do you currently use? How do you use them? Are there any improvements you'd like to see? Is there anything else you'd like to comment on? Can you think of other LANCE users with whom it might be useful for me to talk? Questions to users 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
Overall consensus – very positive “LANCE is one of the better sites we use” “Tools like LANCE are incredibly important for us. We need accuracy and speed … the system has been tremendously helpful” “There is nothing else out there like this... what you guys do is next to none...” 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 8
End user Feedback 1.Access to HDF data 2.WMS / Worldview 3.Products / user interface 4.User Support 5.Subsets 6.Suggested new /enhanced products 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 9
1. Access to HDF Data “I must say that LANCE is a terrific service” Produce all standard HDF tiles – even if bad / missing data – to make it easier for those with automated scripts LANCE-MODIS data loss messages – refer to tiles rather than granules 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 10
2. WMS / Worldview 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 11
2. WMS / Worldview WMS is already meeting many user needs Ability to create and download a GeoTIFF for any AOI More products in imagery format e.g. LST, MODIS AOD “I have had trouble getting hold of MODIS AOD in NRT especially for outside the USA” 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 12 “This is great! Just what we need”
OK this is great, but would it be possible to… Layers Add lines of latitude and longitude (suggestion every 1-2 degrees) Distinguish between country boundaries and admin boundaries Spit ascending / descending orbit tracks in the overlay list Highlight major environmental events Downloading data from Worldview Add option to embed admin boundaries when downloading images Functionality Click on the WMS and be taken to location for downloading the granule Enable users to adjust transparencies, colors and thresholds Allow users to select which orbit layer is displayed on top Green = complete in dev version, blue in schedule (TBA), not in schedule 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 13
Add historical data –Identifying case studies –Guide for download HDF –Historic context for anomalies (e.g. NDVI, LST) –Add annual time step: compare current situation to previous year. –For the poles: rapidly see how conditions have changed over time –Exceptional air quality events (EPA) 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 14 “even 10 years coverage may only cover one cycle of extreme dry or wet”
Back end access to imagery for Brokers 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 15 Not interested in LANCE ‘wrap around’. Want a robust back end so users can pull mosaicked imagery in to their own applications / web clients. 1.Some brokers would like to pull and host the imagery on their own server so they are in control of the speed at which their users are able to retrieve the data they need 2.Many brokers would like to link to imagery from LANCE using a WMS or tiled WMS (WMTS)
Organizations requesting back end imagery services from LANCE: American Museum of Natural History NGA Vandenberg AFB SERVIR British Antarctic Survey Polar Geospatial Consortium National Ice Centre EPA / Sonoma Technologies 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 16
NASA satellite data to improve AIRNow Data Types: - Images (e.g. PNG, GIF, JPEG, TIFF) - KML Access: WMS Attributes: OGC Standard “I study satellite pictures and I like to compare AIRNow maps to what is going on in the US using satellite pictures.” Air Monitoring Manager, Local Air Quality Management District (AQMD) (America’s public air quality information system) 1/30/ NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
“We are concerned the WMS will not perform well enough” “Worldview and the WMS are going to be incredibly popular - you need to make sure you have the right image server” to cope with demand 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 18
1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C Products / user interface
Sample application: Monitoring floods in Thailand 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C November 2008 MODIS 7,2,1 17 November 2011 MODIS 7,2,1
1/30/2016 NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 21 Flooding in Thailand Population 1 December 2011 Terra
3. Products / user interface… cont’d MODIS fractional snow cover is useful for water resource assessments. User Matrix: MODIS 7,2,1 useful for Agriculture 3,6,7 useful for volcanic plumes with water vapor if above cloud MODIS Visible imagery not been very useful for oil spills to date Some products described as ‘noisy’ (e.g. OMI and AIRS) while useful for science applications, perhaps not mature enough for general applications. - implication: user matrix needs to be ‘advertised’ with caution as not all products are useful for the disaster or hazard indicated. ‘Shipping’ application - needs some disclaimer. It would be irresponsible to suggest that it is possible to navigate using MODIS data alone. 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 22
Google Earth Basemap with LTER Locations We're trying to figure out where to go after we depart Rothera Sunday morning. Normally we would shoot straight to Charcot Island, but it seems to be deep in the ice, so an idea where the ice is, relative to our outer line stations would really help Charcot Island 1/30/ NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
ENVISAT RADAR Composite 20 Jan Jan /30/ NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
MODIS True Color 19 Jan /30/ NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
MODIS Bands 367 “The takeaway from this is the combination of LANCE and Polarview is how we get ice conditions to the ships in Antarctica” 1/30/ NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
4. User Support “LANCE does a terrific job in sending out s warning when the system might be down” For WMS/Worldview - automated machine readable alerts so client server can pass this information to avoid the situation where it looks like the client server has hung More user-friendly information On products and any problems with products – even seemingly basic information would be useful Requests for basic training materials / examples of how data can be used ( collaborate with end users, link to articles from E.O) 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 27
5. Subsets “Subsets are invaluable. Do not remove them!” “don't underestimate need for subsets in poor bandwidth areas. these are incredibly useful” 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 28 not enough subsets can they be better ordered? “my subset page” can users define own AOI
6. Suggested new / enhanced products Add to LANCE /WMS / Worldview Burn scar product NDVI Evapotranspiration Improved AIRS SO 2 product Continuity data from VIIRS, AMSR2 Data from other sensors: TRMM, MISR, CloudSat, Calipso, SMAP / text alerts for SO 2 and MODIS AOD 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 29
Summary and Conclusion Five take away messages from users: –Users satisfied with HDF component –Increased availability of NRT imagery through the WMS / Worldview is on track and will meet a lot of user needs –Establish a robust back end so imagery can be pulled in to client services –Don’t remove the subsets –A lot of users are relying on LANCE for data continuity with future sensors User feedback has been helpful in confirming user requirements Feedback has been shared with LANCE developers as it has been collected - and it is helping shape future direction 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 30
Next steps? Focus groups for key application areas Usability studies for Worldview Question to the UWG : do you have suggestions on ways LANCE could interact with user communities effectively to solicit their opinions? 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 31
BACKUP 32 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
Most popular downloads 2011 productDescriptionlevelGBfiles MOD03 Geolocation Fields 5-Min 1A ,430,820 MYD03 Geolocation Fields 5-Min 1A ,037,245 MOD09GA Daily Surface Reflectance ,995 MOD021KM Calibrated Radiances 5-Min 1B ,569 MOD04_L2 MODIS/Terra Aerosol 5-Min ,957 1/30/ NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
Most popular download by month for Product Description Files Jan MOD03 Geolocation Fields 5-Min L1A Swath 1km312,500 Feb MOD03 Geolocation Fields 5-Min L1A Swath 1km Mar AIRX2SUP_NRT AIRS/Aqua Level 2 Support retrieval Apr MOD021KM Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 1km May MOD021KM Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 1km Jun MOD04_L2 Aerosol 5-Min L2 Swath 10km Jul AIRIBRAD_NRT IR geolocated and calibrated radiances Aug MOD09GA Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 1km and 500m Sept MOD09GA Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 1km and 500m Oct MOD09GA Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 1km and 500m Nov MOD09GA Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 1km and 500m Dec MOD03 Geolocation Fields 5-Min L1A Swath 1km 222,331 1/30/ NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
VIIRS 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 35 Users have built decision support systems that rely on LANCE and they want assurance that the data will continue "Given the success we have enjoyed using LANCE we would like to see this continue with VIIRS through LANCE as this is really what we need for our NRT applications“ We are “banking on VIIRS continuity in LANCE” Will LANCE provide data from NPP - VIIRS, AMSR2 ? Will NASA and NOAA use the same algorithms for products from NPP VIIRS?
Other Comments “Other than FIRMS there are not really websites to go to understand the state of the World is today” for a particular phenomena. LANCE could fill this role – for example LANCE could be the place to go to understand what's happening with aerosols today… but it would need to pull together a story, and explain the limits of the data. 1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 36
Application/Product Use Case Matrix ApplicationMODISAIRSOMIAMSR-EComment Smoke Plumes Aerosol 10km LSR Bands 1-4-3, Corr Reflect 1-4-3, 7-2-1, & Terra L1B Vis radiances L2 CO AOD, AAOD and AI# Products = 15 Ash Plumes Aerosol 10km LSR Bands & Corr Reflect & L1B Vis radiances L1B Brightness Temp diff for SO2 L2 SO2 L2 SO2 for 4 layers L3 SO2 # Products = 17 L3 not yet available Dust Storms Aerosol 10km LSR Bands & Corr Reflect & L1B Dust Score Vis radiances AOD, AAOD and AI# Products = 14 Pollution Aerosol 3km Corr Reflect L2 COL2 SO2 for 4 layers # Products = 9 3 km Collection 6 only Severe Storms Water Vapor 1km and 5km Cloud Top Press and Temp 5km L1B IR radiancesCloud PressureRain Rate# Products = 10 Shipping Sea Ice Ext 1km LSR Bands & Corr Reflect & L1B Band 31 Sea Ice Concen 12.5km# Products = 15 Fisheries Sea Ice Ext 1km Corr Refl Sea Ice Concen 12.5km# Products = 5 1/30/ Blue Text = Products not implementedAMSR-E on hold The table shows combinations of products that can be used for a particular application area. Science team and user input was used to develop the table. A discussion on how the table was developed will be discussed. NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
Application/Product Use Case Matrix ApplicationMODISAIRSOMIAMSR-EComment Transportation (Land) Fractional Snow Cover LSR Bands & Corr Reflect & Snow Water Eq Snow Depth 12.5km # Products = 12 Fires Fire/Thermal 1km Surface Temp 1km LSR Bands Aerosol 10km L1B Vis radiances L2 CO AOD, AAOD, and AI# Products = 10 Floods LSR Bands Corr Reflect 7-2-1L2 Precip estimate Rain Rate Soil Moisture # Products = 6 Drought LSR Bands LSR Bands Fractional Snow Cover L2 Precip estimateSoil Moisture AE_Land3# Products = 8 Vegetation Surface Temp 1km Fractional Snow Cover LSR Bands LSR Bands # Products = 10 Agriculture Surface Temp 1km LSR Bands LSR Bands LSR Bands Fractional Snow Cover # Products = 8 Oil Spill Corr Reflect LSR Bands /30/ Blue Text = Products not implementedAMSR-E on hold The table shows combinations of products that can be used for a particular application area. Science team and user input was used to develop the table. A discussion on how the table was developed will be discussed. NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
1/30/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 39 Antarctica True Color Sea Ice Snow Cover 30 November 2011 Terra