FNRBA CTIVITIES IN 2012-2013 Mr. Augustin SIMO Director General, National Radiation Protection Agency of Cameroon Chairman, Forum of Nuclear Regulatory.


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Presentation transcript:

FNRBA CTIVITIES IN Mr. Augustin SIMO Director General, National Radiation Protection Agency of Cameroon Chairman, Forum of Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Africa (FNRBA) __________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

Content Introduction 1) Training workshops organized in ) Regional project concept on radiation protection under IAEA TC cycle ) FNRBA Meetings 4) FNRBA Participation in international events 5) Other activities 6) Difficulties 7) Action plan for 2013 Conclusion __________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

INTRODUCTION In Yaoundé plenary meeting of 29 th March 2012, the following office bearers were elected: Chairman of the SC of the FNRBA = Cameroon Secretary of the SC of the FNRBA = Ethiopia Assistant Secretary of the SC of the FNRBA = Mauritius All the elected officers were to serve for the remaining tenure period until new elections in __________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

Activities implemented in line with 2012 action plan adopted by the 4 th plenary meeting held in Yaoundé (Cameroon) : Launch of FNRBA website with the IAEA’s assistance; Selection and training of FNRBA IT expert to assist in the development of the FNRBA website; Training of TWG Coordinators on the use of the FNRBA website Organization of two training workshops, one in Korea and one in Africa Design of regional project on radiation protection for IAEA TC cycle Participation in international events Organization of the FNRBA meetings __________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

1. Training workshops organized in 2012 Training on the use of FNRBA Website FNRBA Website developed and hosted by IAEA/GNSSN according to the FNRBA resolution in March FNRBA IT experts were selected in July 2012, from Egypt, Cameroon and Nigeria. Consultative meeting of IT expert organized in Vienna from 3-5 September 2012 by the IAEA/GNSSN with KINS’s to familiarize FNRBA IT experts with FNRBA Website structure. Regional training Workshop for TWG coordinators on the use of FNRBA website organized in Vienna from February __________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

Training under FNRBA-KINS partnership An Action Plan for 2012 endorsed by KINS and FNRBA in December 2011, including two workshops to be organized in Workshop on Emergency Preparedness and Environmental Radiation Monitoring: KINS, Korea, September 2012 Workshop on “Safety and Regulation on Radioactive Sources", and "Safety and Regulation on Nuclear Power Plants", planned from November 2012, in Cape-Town, South Africa. __________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

Workshop on Emergency Preparedness and Environmental Radiation Monitoring: KINS, Korea, September FNRBA participants from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe. The training programme provided : lectures on fundamental of environmental radiation and environmental radiation system ; practice on national radiation monitoring system for each country; lectures on monitoring of beta and gamma in environment, and radionuclide analysis; lectures on emergency management, international emergency preparedness system; lectures on radiological emergency preparedness describing infrastructure of prevention and response, lessons learned from events, and equipment for radiological emergency. __________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

Workshop on “Safety and Regulation on Radioactive Sources", and "Safety and Regulation on Nuclear Power Plants", November 2012, in Cape- Town, South Africa 24 FNRBA participants from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Sudan, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe. The content of the training: lectures on radioisotope safety including, regulatory Infrastructure for Radioisotope (RI) sources, radiation protection requirements, authorization and inspection, protection for industrial application, protection for medical exposure, security of RI sources, etc; lectures on nuclear power plants safety including, Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) overview, nuclear regulation system, Reactor Coolant Systems (RCS), safety requirements, control and measuring system, electrical system, safety of secondary system and auxiliary system. __________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

__________________________________ 2. Regional project concept on radiation protection under IAEA TC cycle In respond to AFRA-PMC request the FNRBA Chairperson proposed a project concept for the IAEA TC cycle , entitled Enhancing and Sustaining the Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Africa Design completed during a consultative meeting convened by IAEA/TC-Africa in VIC on March 2013, with four participants from the region, Mr Simo (Cameroon), Mr Koteng (Kenya), Mr Aburazak (Ghana) and Mr Abdelkader (Morocco) and supervision by a TO, Mr Hailu (IAEA). Project objectives : (i) To support strengthening of the existing regulatory framework and capacity building in the region; (ii) To promote regional and international cooperation by developing and promoting human network and IT platform; (iii) To promote knowledge and experience sharing by close interaction with other regional networks and organizations (iv) To enhance national and regional capability for regular self-assessment of the national regulatory infrastructure for safety FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

3. FNRBA Meetings 8th FNRBA Steering Committee Meeting The 8 th FNRBA steering Committee meeting held in Vienna, Austria on Monday 17 TH September 2012, at the margin of the 56 th IAEA General Conference. Participants: delegates from Cameroon, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Ghana, Mali, Senegal, Niger and Tunisia. __________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

– The SC observed that the completion of the SAT by the FNRBA members is important to clarify regional needs and to design appropriate action plan. – The 4 th Plenary recommended that the Forum should develop strategy for cooperation with partner organizations through MoU and that the SC should sign the MoU with ISS and TAMU. __________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

- The meeting also discussed the alignment of activity of IAEA regional African projects with that of FNRBA TWGs and advised that all TWGs should consider the example of TWG9 dealing with RAF9047. __________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

9th FNRBA Steering Committee Meeting Meeting held from November 2012, at the African Union Commission Head Quarter (B2 - Board Room), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. SC members present: Chairperson, Secretary, North Africa Coordinator, East Africa Coordinator, Southern Africa Coordinator.; 5 members out of 9. Members of Steering Committee absent: Deputy Chair, Deputy Secretary, Central Africa Coordinator, and West Africa Coordinator. The Ethiopian Radiation Protection Agency (ERPA), the Secretary of the Forum, the host institution, made the necessary arrangements at the local level. First meeting of FNRBA Steering Committee organized with self funding of participants. __________________________________________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

4. FNRBA participation in international events 2 nd Conference of States Parties to Pelindaba Treaty, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November Presentation of FNRBA in opening remarks by FNRBA’s Chairperson 2 nd GNSSN Steering Committee (SC) Meeting IAEA Headquarters (M6), Vienna, Austria (03–05 April 2013) Presentation entitled «FNRBA Networking Development » International conference on Effective Nuclear regulatory System – Transforming Experience into Regulatory Improvements (Ottawa, Canada, April 2013) In the framework of Topical Session 4 on Emerging Programmes, the FNRBA Chairperson was requested to participate in round table and to give a presentation on “Early integration of nuclear safety and security and safeguards”. __________________________________________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

5. Plenary meeting in Tunisia The 5 th plenary held in Tunisia considered the following items: Election od new FNRBA office bearers; Adoption 2013 action-plan; Draft FNRBA-IAEA MoU on use of regional expertise; Draft FNRBA-AFCONE MoU on promoting nuclear safety, security, and safeguards in Africa region; Review of draft Mou FNRBA-ISS __________________________________________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

6. Expectations in 2013 Full implementation of the 2013 work-plan; More active FNRBA office bearers and TWG Coordinators; Formal partnerships established between FNRBA and IAEA, TAMU, ISS and AFCONE; Partners support to FNRBA activities; Increase cooperation and exchange between FNRBA members; Participation of FNRBA in international events dealing with nuclear safety, security and safeguards; Planning of 2014 activities in due time and in close collaboration with partners. __________________________________________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

FNRBA office bearers in 2013 The FNRBA elected the following office bearer for a one year mandate: -Chairman, Cameroon -Vice Chairman, Egypt -Secretary, Nigeria No change for Vice Secretary and Sub regional Coordinators FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC __________________________________________________________________

Accomplishments in 2013 New partnerships established We note with satisfaction the following: -Arrangement or MoU signed with the IAEA, DNS on 17 th September 2013 in Vienna; -LoI signed with TAMU n 18 th September 2013 in Vienna FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC __________________________________________________________________

Accomplishments in 2013 (Cont. 1) Partners support to FNRBA activities -Inspection in RT, practical exercise, Tunisia, Nov. 2013, USNRC support; -Regional workshop on knowledge safety network, Nairobi, Kenya, Oct 2013, KINS and IAEA-GNSSN support; -Regional workshop on capacity building, Khartoum, Sudan, 7-11 Oct 2013; KINS and IAEA-GNSSN support; FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC __________________________________________________________________

-Regional workshop on basic professional training in nulear safety; reactor safey and technology; Daedjon, Korae, 21 Oct – 1 Nov 2013, with KINS support; -Regional workshop on self-assessment for regulatory authorities; introduction to the SSG-16 methodology and the IRIS Software; Amman, Jordan, Nov 2013; supported by KINS. FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC Accomplishments in 2013 (Cont. 2) __________________________________________________________________

Accomplishments in 2013 (Cont. 3) Participation of FNRBA in international events -International conference on Effective Nuclear regulatory System – Transforming Experience into Regulatory Improvements (Ottawa, Canada, April 2013) International Conference on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources: Maintaining Continuous Global Control of Sources throughout their Life Cycle (27 to 31 October 2013, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates). 20 participants from FNRBA have been selected to participate in this event with financial support from KINS. FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC __________________________________________________________________

Not yet implemented in 2013 Planning of 2014 activities - 10 th Steering committee meeting is to be planned before the end of year 2013, probably the same week as the last CM of RAF9038 in Douala, Cameroon. It will the occasion to plan activities for 2014 which shall be adopted during the 6 th plenary in March FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC __________________________________________________________________

Specific FNRBA CHallenges - More active FNRBA office bearers and TWG Coordinators; - Increase cooperation and exchange between FNRBA members; -Planning of 2014 activities in due time and in close collaboration with partners; -Venue of he next plenary meeting in FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC __________________________________________________________________

Conclusion Challenges to regulatory bodies in Africa : Legislation: Not consistent with international standards and guidance in several countries; no provision for safeguards; regulatory body not established by legislation; draft legislations awaiting for promulgation. No Regulatory program in many countries to implement the provisions of the law. Staffing and Training: insufficient number of qualified staff; lack of national strategy and specialized training program. - Funding of the regulatory body: Few countries provide sufficient funding and resources to their regulatory bodies to fulfill all their regulatory activities. Networking of regulatory bodies through of website is not yet a reality. There are lots to do in order to achieve the FNRBA regional objectives. __________________________________________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC

THANK YOU __________________________________ FNRBA-IAEA Meeting on 17th September 2013 at VIC