Living Things!
1.Cells are the basic unit of life.
1. Living things are made of cells. Some are unicellular (live without any other cells) (1 cell) Some are multi- cellular (1+ cells) Cells are the basic unit of life
2. Living things exchange gases! All animals use Oxygen and change it to Carbon Dioxide (Respiration) All plants use Carbon Dioxide and change it to Oxygen (Photosynthesis)
3. Living things use energy! All living things need gas, water and food to live. Food provides nutrients like fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Use nutrients and energy for growth, repair and other activities
Using Energy Animals are heterotrophs (Eat others for Energy) Plants are autotrophs (Make their own energy)
4. Living things grow! Growth can mean an increase in the size of cells Growth can also mean the creation of new cells (repairing the body) Regeneration (ie Starfish) Dropping body parts
5. Living things reproduce! Produce offspring Different ways Budding (sea aneomes) Live young Regeneration Eggs Seeds and spores
6.Living things respond to stimuli. Stimuli causes reactions React to touch, heat, temperature and sound Movement does not always mean a response (leaf in the wind) Behaviour is directed towards minimal injury, acquiring food and reproducing.