Rhode Island’s Transition to CCSS Adoption 2010 Transition SY Full Implementation CCSS SY PARCC Assessment SY
Transition Phase Develop Multi-Year Transition Plan to include: Curriculum Alignment When will curricula be aligned to CCSS? Based on data: Which content should be completed first? Consider: Should some grades transition prior to others? OR does it make more sense to roll-out one content at a time for all grades? Identify Priority or Challenge Standards within CCSS Identify any standards within either content where instruction should begin immediately, prior to completion of curricula alignment?
Transition Phase Develop Multi-Year Transition Plan (continued) Study of the Standards (Completed by SY ) Schedule Study of the Standards per LEA RTTT Scope of Work Plan roll-out session(s) for all educators in the LEA ; How will each educator learn the process of working with the standards? Implement plan after LEA personnel have attended Study of the Standards Workshop After Study of the Standards…Continuing the Understanding Carefully articulate plan for all educators to have meaningful opportunities to deepen their understanding the CCSS throughout the school year. Utilize the Critical Areas of Focus to provide focus for initial study. Additionally, RIDE CCSS Transition webpage provides host of resources to support implementation (e.g., PD Modules, PARCC Frameworks)
Transition Phase Develop Multi-Year Transition Plan (continued) Implementation Create a plan for the Roll-out of CCSS aligned Curricula Conduct needs assessment regarding Resources & Materials in support of CCSS Curricula Articulate Professional Development/ Technical Assistance needs of LEA leadership and all educators Deep understanding of CCSS Launch of CCSS curricula Implementation of CCSS curricula Communication plan Define how LEA will educate and reach all stakeholders (e.g., families, school committee, community members) to ensure CCSS understanding
Student Transition Timeline Locally assessed CC PARCC Common Core Locally assessed GLE/GSEs NECAP GLE/GSE Instruction Assessment Instruction Assessment Instruction Assessment Instruction Assessment Instruction Assessment Instruction Assessment K K
RIDE Resources Introductory Resources & Transition Resources available at: EEIE/transition.aspx