Although Georgia is not extremely famous for its beaches, there are still some very nice beaches it has to offer. One such beach is St. Simon’s Isle.
Atlanta is a city with a population of about 500,000 people. It has a lot to offer in terms of activities and night life. Perhaps one of the most appealing things, particularly to baseball fans, is the well known Atlanta Braves.
Savannah is perhaps most famous for its dealings with Sherman in his famed march to the sea. The town was fortunate in that it was left standing by the Union general. It is also a nice attraction for its great beauty and aesthetic appeal.
Georgia is a heavily wooded state that offers many opportunities to those who love the outdoors. Hiking, fishing, hunting, bird watching, and all other sorts of outdoor, leisure activities are available in Georgia.Hikingfishing, hunting
The state of Georgia contains one of the most dominant forest industries of any other state. Of all states, Georgia harvests more lumber in acres than any other state. The timber industry is one of the leading industries for the state of Georgia.
Atlanta is the birthplace of Coca Cola. Not only should one be able to say that they drank a coke in Atlanta, but the company has gone to great lengths to draw in tourists. They have created a highly interesting tourist attraction to visit at the World of Coca Cola.World of Coca Cola
While Georgia is known as the “Peach State,” it is actually third in the United States in terms of peach yield. Agriculturally, perhaps Georgia should be better known for its tremendous supply of peanuts. Georgia is also well known for its large yield of Vidalia onions.AgriculturallyVidalia onions.