Evaluation of the Impact to the Safety Basis of Research Conducted in Production Facilities at the Y-12 National Security Complex Rebecca N. Bell Senior Technical Staff Member, Safety Analysis Engineering B&W Y-12
Established in 2009 Provides the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the nuclear detection community with a location for performing radiation measurements Uses both enriched uranium (EU) and depleted uranium (DU) in many different configurations, with and without a variety of shielding and reflecting materials Nuclear Detection and Sensor Testing Center (NDSTC)
Various deuterium-tritium or deuterium- deuterium generators Sealed Californium-252 ( 252 Cf) sources Radiation Generating Devices (RGDs)
161-type castings (EU and DU) Canned subassemblies (C/SAs) Targets
The evaluations are used to determine the unique radiation signatures of various materials for: Nuclear safeguards Arms control and nonproliferation Counter terrorism Unique Radiation Signatures
Category 2 nuclear facility Operations include: −Assembly −Disassembly −Product certification −Quality evaluation −Storage of weapons components Production facility selected for conduct of NDSTC
Safety Analysis was completed in four phases: 1.Installation and initial testing with no fissile material target 2.Operation of the Radiation Generating Device with one fissile target 3.Operation with targets and a stack of steel and polyethylene blocks for reflection and shielding 4.Operation with “simulant materials” as shields and reflectors Safety Analysis
Three separate USQDs evaluated NDSTC operations: 1.Installation and initial testing without a fissile material target – no interference with CAAS operability due to increased radiation levels and added shielding & no USQ 2.Operation with targets, reflection and shielding – no USQ 3.Operation with simulant materials as shields or reflectors – no USQ Unreviewed Safety Question Determinations (USQDs)
RGDs do not require further analysis: 1.Exempt under DOE Order 420.2B 2.Used by Clear Path Technologies, SAIC, Northrop Grumman, Pennsylvania Transit Authority, & Baylor University Medical College 3.Hazards controlled by plant safety programs Hazard Screening
Credited controls for 1.Interaction 2.Mass 3.Moderation 4.Reflection Criticality Safety Evaluation
The FHA was revised to document restrictions related to combustible reflector materials: “Plastic target reflector components in the NDSTC shall be stored under a metal cover whenever they are not set up for an experiment.” Fire Hazards Analysis (FHA)
Provides an integrated approach to reviewing and approving active interrogation and passive detection experiments at the NDSTC, Ensures planned experiments are accomplished in accordance with approved site procedures and guidelines, Provides a formalized review of experiment requests and plans, and Evaluates experiment objectives against applicable facility safety and security approvals; and other site procedures, policies and guidelines. Experiment Review Board
Charter Membership and Structure Experiment Request Experiment Review Board
ALARA committee review, recommendations, and approval Portable shielding Administrative controls TLDs Review committee appointed ALARA
Important controls established Checklist developed Employee concerns addressed Trust and cooperation established Unique radiation signatures determined Results
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