Ecology test review
domain>kingdom> phylum> class> order> family> genus>species Scientific name rules- genus capitalized and underlined, species lowercase and underlined To classify Sarah Palin’s home town: Milky Way Galaxy Earth North America United States Alaska South-central Alaska Mantanuska county wasilla Scientific name: Mantanuskacounty wasilla
Characteristics of living things 1. made of cells containing cytoplasm 2. exhibit growth 3. restricted size and shape 4. take in and release energy 5. adapt to environment 6. inherit adaptations 7. reproduce and limited life span 8. contain nucleic acids
List and describe the 3 domains of life Archaea- live in extreme environments, unicellular, prokaryotic, has a cell wall, chem/autotrophic Bacteria- unicellular, prokaryotic, has a cell wall, chem/hetero/autotrophic Eukaryota- eukaryotic (sets this domain apart from the other two)
Archaeabacteria >eubacteria> protista> fungi > plantae >animalia Kingdoms in order of appearance
Brief Characteristics of the 6 Kingdoms Archaebacteria: prokaryotic, single celled, cell wall, no organelle, chemo/autotrophic Bacteria: prokaryotic, single celled, cell wall, no organelle, chemo/auto/hetero-trophic Protista: single celled, heterotrophic and/or autotrophic, no cell walls Fungi: multi-celled, heterotrophic, eukaryotic, cell wall Plantae: multi-celled, have cell walls, autotrophic Animalia: eukaryotic, multi-celled, heterotrophic, no cell wall
Exponential growth: unlimited growth, Example 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096 Linear growth: straight line growth, Ex. 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30 Logistic growth: growth that occurs until a population reaches carrying capacity
Carrying capacity: The number of organisms that can be supported in a given area for a long period of time (with little or no detrimental effects)
6. Limiting factors Water Food Space Sunlight Mates Any others? Which are limiting for a deer?
7. Factors causing competition Space (territory) Mates Food Water
8, 9, 10, 11 – Population bomb Paul Erlich thinks that the lack of food will be humans’ limiting factor in the future. IPAT means Impact= Population X Affluence (how much we consume) X Technology (how much we pollute) The solution is zero growth rate (births=deaths), less consuming, and less polluting the environment. Fact: the world is overpopulated everywhere!
Population: the number of species in a given area Community: all the different species in a specific area Ecosystem: all the communities and the abiotic factors, too (non-living part of the environment)
Autotrophic: an organism that can make its own food using the sun as energy Heterotrophic: Organisms that eat different types of other organisms for its energy needs
14. Symbiotic relationships: Symbiosis: long term relationship between two different organisms. Mutualism: when both organisms benefit Commensalism: when one organism benefits, and the other is unaffected Parasitism: when one organism benefits, and the other is harmed
Producers are organisms that make their own food, like plants Consumers (primary, secondary, etc), eat producers or other consumers for the energy needs Decomposers eat producers and consumers after they have died
17. Calculate the growth rate and doubling time Population: 15 million Birth rate: 1 million Death rate:.5 million Immigration:.7 million Emigration:.2 million
Compare and contrast the Great Grey Tree Frog and the Burrowing Toad
What methods are used to classify organisms Evolutionary relationships DNA comparison Homologous structures Comparative embryology Comparing proteins (amino acid sequences) Comparing behavior
Scientific Method - define Control Independent variable Dependent variable Hypothesis Constants Observations Inference