Wildlife Movements & Space Use What are the different types of movements? What affects wildlife movements? How do wildlife movements relate to spatial distributions and habitat use? How does understanding wildlife movements help us?
Movements & Space Use Types –Home Range Critical areas Territories –Hierarchies –Dispersal –Migration –Nomadism Space = Welfare Factor?
Movements & Space Use Home Range Area traversed by an animal during its normal daily activities –Fulfill all requirements Food, cover, water, space, mates, etc. No sally’s or temporary movements Importance? Movement rates within vary by species & temporally
Movements & Space Use Home Range How many? –Why? (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)
Movements & Space Use Home Range How many? –Why? –Sexual segregation (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)
Movements & Space Use Home Range Fidelity km 2004 Home-range 2005 Home-range Coyote
Movements & Space Use Home Range Variation in size: why? –Larger > smaller –Gregarious > solitary –Carnivores > herbivores –Males > females –Age? –Season? –Resources? –Conditions? –Population density?
Movements & Space Use Home Range Who cares? –Spatial requirements
Movements & Space Use Home Range Who cares? –Habitat relationships (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)
Movements & Space Use Home Range Critical Area –Core or key area –Part(s) of the home range where limiting resources or conditions are located Concentrated movements –Importance? (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)
Movements & Space Use Home Range Territory –Part or all of a home range that is defended against others of the same or different species Not all species Defended by individuals, pairs, or groups Always vs. seasonal –Why have one? Cost vs. benefits –Size & resources
Movements & Space Use Home Range Territory –Importance? –MVP Photo by Allan O'Connell & Andrew Gilbert, USGS
Movements & Space Use Home Range Territory –Hierarchies Pecking orders Despotism –Effects on territories? A B C D A BDC
Movements & Space Use Dispersal A one-way movement, where an animal abandons its home range in search of new one –Emigration (E) –Immigration (I) Migration? Inter- and intra- specific differences –Who? Poorly understood
Movements & Space Use Dispersal A one-way movement, where an animal abandons its home range in search of new one –Emigration (E) –Immigration (I) Migration? Inter- and intra- specific differences –Who? Poorly understood
Movements & Space Use Dispersal Active vs. passive
Movements & Space Use Dispersal Why?
Movements & Space Use Dispersal Importance & management implications –Overcrowding –Rescue effects –Recolonization –Range expansion –Inbreeding –Negative –Other
Movements & Space Use Migration Two (multi)-way movements, usually between seasonal home- ranges –Not all species –North-South? Why? –Cost vs. benefits Predictable Short-stopping? Importance? (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)
Movements & Space Use Migration Importance & management implications
Movements & Space Use Migration Importance & management implications –e.g., NA Waterfowl Management Plan Flyways (1) Atlantic (2) Mississippi (3) Central (4) Pacific Other Management Units (5) Alaska (6) Canada (7) Mexico
Movements & Space Use Migration Importance & management implications –Migration routes Mississippi Flyway National Wildlife Refuge Canada Goose Migration Corridor Stop over sites
Movements & Space Use Nomadism Opportunistic movements in response to habitat resources and conditions –Home-range? –Australian bustard –Polar bear –African wild dog (U.S Fish & Wildlife Service)
Movements & Space Use Dispersion The distribution of organisms in space –Related to movements? Types –Random –Regular, even, uniform, overdispersed –Aggregated, contagious, clumped, underdispersed –Difference? –Importance?
Movements & Space Use Dispersion Random –Equal probability of an organism occurring anywhere in space Independent of the position of other organisms –“Fairly even” distribution –Due to?
Movements & Space Use Dispersion Regular, even, uniform, overdispersed –Individuals are more evenly spaced than expected based on chance –Due to?
Movements & Space Use Dispersion Aggregated, contagious, clumped, underdispersed –Individuals are closer together than expected by chance –Due to?
Movements & Space Use Dispersion Temporal changes
Movements & Space Use Dispersion Most common type? Scale-dependent –Why? –Importance?
Movements & Space Use Barriers Unusable habitat (matrix) Thick cover Roads Water Fences Other Elephant conservation in Africa
Movements & Space Use Activity Patterns & Biological Clocks Circadian rhythms – What time is it? Circannual cycle – What day/season is it? –Environmental cues: Photoperiod Hour of Day Movement Rate (km/hr) Coyotes Month of Year Migratory Activity of Coopers Hawks JanMayMarNovJulSep
Movements & Space Use Jaguar feeding ecology: the distribution of predator & prey through time & space –A case study
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