Eight Character Traits eo/softball_miracle
COURAGE Having the determination to do the right thing even when others don’t. The strength to follow your conscience rather than the crowd. Attempting difficult things that are worthwhile.
GOOD JUDGEMENT Choosing worthy goals and setting proper priorities. Thinking through the consequences of your actions. Basing decisions on practical wisdom and good sense.
INTEGRITY Having the inner strength to be truthful, trustworthy, and honest in all things. Act justly and honorably.
KINDNESS Being considerate, courteous, helpful, and understanding of others. Showing care, compassion, friendship, and generosity. Treating others as you would like to be treated.
PERSEVERANCE Being persistent in pursuit of worthy objectives in spite of difficulty, opposition, or discouragement. Exhibiting patience and having the fortitude to try again when confronted with delays, mistakes or failures.
RESPECT Showing high regard for authority, for other people, for self, for property, and for country. Understanding that all people have value as human beings.
RESPONSIBILITY Being dependable in carrying out obligations and duties. Showing reliability and consistency in words and conduct. Being accountable for your own actions. Being committed to active involvement in your community.
SELF-DISCIPLINE Demonstrating hard work and commitment to purpose. Regulating yourself for improvement and restraining from inappropriate behaviors. Being in proper control of your words, actions, impulses, and desires.
Take the Honesty Quiz
Results Start w/ 100 For each “yes” to questions 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 14 subtract 5 points For each “no” to questions 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12, subtract 5 points For every “a” or “b” subtract 25 points For every “c” subtract 10 points For a “no” on questions 5, 10, and 15 subtract 20 points
80-95Sainthood Candidate: You would spend a dollar trying to return a lost dime. You would probably tell someone the truth even if it hurt Honest person: You’re human, too. You are willing to admit past mistakes and can be trusted with either life or money Fence-Sitter: You’re capable of honesty when it suits you, but will also be dishonest when it suits you. You can be trusted with someone’s life or their small change. 5-30Con Artist: You would hustle members of your own family. You probably don’t rightfully own the paper or pencil you used for this test. 0-belowIf you aren’t taking this little test behind bars, you should be!