Character Traits and Analysis What a character is like throughout a story
What does character mean? It’s a person, animal, or object the author uses to tell a story Real or make-believe Have problems, feelings, and thoughts Notice what say and do.
Questions to ask when trying to figure out a character
What trait does the character have? What does trait mean? It is an interesting thing about a character It’s what makes him/her/it special Way a character looks or acts “funny”, “fast”, “strong,” or “smart”
What words would you use to describe Nick or Mrs. Granger from Frindle?
What relationships does the character have? What does relationship mean in terms of character? A connection between people Think in terms of friends, famiy, or schoolmates Bea and Carloina are sisters. They are also best friends. They always do everything together.
What relationship does Nick and Mrs. Granger have?
Why does the character do something? They may do something because of how they feel. Important to know why characters do things within the story.
Why do you think Nick decided to call a pen a frindle?
What problem does the character have? Characters usually have a problem that needs to be solved. Look for characters that may have a problem. How do they solve their problem?
What do you think is Nick’s problem in the story Frindle?
How does the character change? Characters can change within a story. Another character or event may change how the main chara ter acts
How do you think Mrs. Grangers actions change Nick?
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