Se7en Prep for the assessment Prep for the next genres
Standard: I can cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support both analysis and inference. (11-12.RL.1)
Citing Specific Scenes and Evidence 1 st : Comment on the movie 2 nd : Characterize 3 rd : Connect
1 st : Comment on the movie Of the seven that John Doe found guilty, which of the sins was the most offensive and worthy of punishment? 1 st : Answer in your own words. 2 nd : Find a scene to back it up. 3 rd : Explain how that scene supports your answer.
2 nd : Characterize MUST KNOW: Character traits Words that define who a person is. Think: Personality and essence of being. DO NOT use physical characteristics or jobs Positive: Adventurous, imaginative, thoughtful, grateful, trustworthy, responsible, thankful, encouraging, efficient, generous, intelligent, mature Negative Dangerous, greedy, vindictive, obnoxious, bossy, boring, cruel, cowardly, grouchy, unhappy, hateful, harsh
2 nd: Characterize Characterize John Doe First, list a character trait. Second, find a specific scene that supports the trait. Third, explain how the scene proves the quote true.
3 rd : Connect “People don’t want a hero, they want to eat cheeseburgers, play the lotto, and watch television.” Somerset. 1 st : React to the quote. What does it mean? What does it say about our society? 2 nd : Do you agree with it?
Standard: I can draw evidence from texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. ( W.8)
Part Two: Short Essay Be aware of all of the elements and definitions of mystery, thriller, and drama.