By Tayla & Jessamy
Who Discovered Pluto? Percivul Lowel
Pluto has one moon called Charon. Pluto has no volcanoes, it has a surface of rock and ice. Pluto is named after a Greek God (or Roman).
Atmosphere: Methane. Temperature: Between-369°and- 387°F (223°and 233°c). Rotation of it’s axis: 6 days,9 hours,18 minutes.
Diameter:at equater : 2274km(1413miles). Average distance from the sun: 5900 millionkm(3,666million miles). Orbital period:247.7 years.
Number of moons 1 (Charon). Gravity (Earth=1) Pluto is the furthest planet from the sun.
Compared with most of the planets and moons, Charon is tipped on its side like Uranus. Many people believe Pluto was an escaped moon from Neptune.
Diameter: 1,423miles(2,290km) Surface: A giant snowball of methane and water mixed with rock. Satellites: One.
Rotation around the sun: 248 earth days. Distance from the earth: at the closet point, 2:67 billion miles. Rotation on peroid: 6.39 days.
Mass (Earth=1): Surface temp (223°c. This deep-frozen world of rock and ice was the planet to be discovered.
Pluto & its moon Charon.