Amanda Vranka
Ask students what favorite subject is and which one is their least favorite. Find information on Einstein through the various links on the page. Make a bulletin board on Einstein with all the various subjects and have students put their index card next to their favorite and least favorite. Explain how they relate to Einstein. Evaluation – 3/2/1 Exit Slip on discussion board.
Construct an American flag out of popsicle sticks and then read over the Star Spangled Banner. Have students search on the online newspapers and have them pick a country to study. The students will have to: Recreate flag of the country Explain what the colors mean Explain why they chose it. Debate Organizer to organize information on their country. Evaluation – 4 point scale; graded by their peers.
Read “The Doorbell Rang” by Pat Hutchins Complete worksheets using the Smart Board Evaluation – when students complete the worksheets the teacher will assess for completion and participation. Put the worksheets on the Smart Board to create