MGS 351 Introduction to Management Information Systems RECITATION 6
Agenda Attendance Common Mistakes in Homework 2 Meetings - ERD rough drafts – TA and groups meet individually Work on Final Project Proposal Reminders: Due Next Lab
Common Mistakes in Homework 2 Adding field back in after editing Aesthetics: Alignment, sizing, spacing, tab order, etc. Control buttons – Use words, not pictures!
ERD Rough Draft Group Meetings TA and Groups meet individually ERD rough draft should be complete – 1 ERD per group
Final Project Proposal Deliverables: – Initial Project Design Cover Page Report (TIDB) – Members Report (TIDB) – 2-3 page narrative describing the database system your group proposes to design and implement – Entity Relationship Diagram
Final Project Proposal Be specific and detailed with your responses – Professor Murray does not know anything about the business or details of the business. You need to tell him. This is not just a typed version of your Preliminary Project Proposal – use those questions as a guideline to what you should be writing about Make sure that your project proposal relates directly to what your ERD is doing/displaying
Final ERDs Computer-Generated – Make in Powerpoint or Word Use only: – One to many (1:M) relationships Indicate Primary and Foreign Keys – Have a legend/key somewhere Be sure to list attributes that you mentioned in narrative – If you said you were going to generate payroll, make sure you have listed the necessary fields (Wage per hour, hours per week worked)
Professor Murray’s Requirements When Grading Final Project Proposals 1.The submission is complete with all of the deliverables 2.The idea is based on a real company 3.One of the students in the group is a business expert for that company 4.The proposed project creates some real business value 5.The relationships on their ERD are all 1:M and set correctly If any of those first five requirements aren’t met, the group will have to resubmit a new proposal and/or design.
Professor Murray’s Requirements When Grading Final Project Proposals Once the previous criteria is met: how well does the ERD match to project description. Look to see if primary keys have been set properly and that the foreign keys are in the related tables.
Professor Murray’s Requirements When Grading Final Project Proposals Missing foreign key or primary key: point deduction Relationship error: point deduction per error Missing attribute/Calculated attribute/Attributes in wrong entity: If the rest of the project is good, he may overlook one or two of these errors. The error will still be marked on the ERD. After finding a few of these errors, then deduct points.
Reminders: Next Lab ERD Quiz – Take practice quiz before coming to class (UBlearns ERD Quiz Review tab) Final Project Proposal due – 1 per group – Includes all parts – Professional Printed AND stapled before class