University of Leeds Academic Services The academic library is... …”the intellectual commons for the community where people and ideas interact in both real and virtual environments to expand learning and facilitate the creation of knowledge” Kathryn J. Deiss, “The Keystone Principles”, ARL Newsletter (Dec 1999),
University of Leeds Academic Services Why should the Library run the institutional portal? l Portals are essentially about offering seamless access to information resources and content. l The Library is best placed to manage information most effectively.
University of Leeds Academic Services Libraries have expertise in... l Organising access to academic information and scholarly knowledge. l Empowering the users of information. l Bringing information together with the communities that need to use it. l Creating customer-focused web experiences.
University of Leeds Academic Services Examples: the Hybrid Library Project l Leeds University Library project which aims to: –increase the usability and relevance of library and information resources to taught course students. –develop tailored information portals for students at the course and modular level.
University of Leeds Academic Services Hybrid Library Project
University of Leeds Academic Services MyLibrary l Used by various libraries in the US l Ability to create a personalised library environment l Updates on new developments relevant to subject area l Enhanced links for contacting library staff l Library support for assignments - tailored to subject area.
University of Leeds Academic Services MyLibrary - Mississippi State
University of Leeds Academic Services Conclusion l Academic libraries are surviving and thriving in a constantly changing information environment. l The academic library is at the heart of the ‘learning organisation’. l Library-based portals can leverage the expertise of librarians in facilitating seamless access to information.