10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Lund University Libraries Head Office Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson About us Network organisation Large project and development portfolio Committed to open access ScieCom ( NCSC ( DOAJ ( LU:research (
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Scholarly information – some trends Self-archiving – Pre- and e-print archives, e.g. ArXiv (1991) – Institutional archives, e.g. LU:researchLU:research – Software developments, Dspace, Eprints, CDSWare ”Open Access” electronic journals
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Open Access Budapest Open Access Initiative, BOAIBudapest Open Access Initiative, BOAI: “By 'open access' to this literature, we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited."
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson An academic library perspective Satisfy the information needs of our users – now and in the future Highlight alternatives Initiate and collaborate on new services and projects Facilitate institutional archives Directory of Open Access Journals
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Directory of Open Access Journals, DOAJ initiated during the NCSC conference in Lund October 2002NCSC supported by OSI, Open Society Institute and SPARCOpen Society InstituteSPARC project started January 2003 service launched 12 th of May 2003
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Aims and goals Increase visibility and access = Increased usage = Increased citation = Increased impact = Increased usage...
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Selection Criteria Open Access Quality control measures, the journal must exercise peer-review or editorial quality control to be included. Scientific or scholarly content
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Open Access – Our definition We define open access journals as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. From the BOAI definition [1] of "open access" we take the right of "users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles" as mandatory for a journal to be included in the directory.
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Collection Policy Delimitations – Subjects = all – Languages = all – Resource types = periodicals – Target group = researchers Access – Cost = none for the user – Registration= ok
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Describing the journals Simple metadata modelmetadata Metadata available through OAI-PMHOAI-PMH Granularity – Journal title level Library of Congress Classification Visualisation - subject browsing, 15 top level subjects (mapped from LCC)
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Collection Start-up phase ( SciX ) Suggestions – enormous response Sustainability issues Editorial group Collaborative model
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Searching and browsing DOAJ Simplicity Accessability Overview
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Some numbers No. of journals: 542 (and growing) Successful requests (May-September): 898,249 Top requesters from developing countries: May: R.S.A. (3419), Peru (1313), Mexico (1229) September: R.S.A. (3710), India (1616), Mexico (1499)
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Very positive response from journals “ We've already noticed from our usage statistics that the DOAJ has helped to promote our open- access journals, and we know that each of our journals are extremely appreciative!” Jen Sweezie Project Manager Bioline International
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson DOAJ: phase 2 An Article Search Service Contact and open discussion with OA journals Search at article level Guided harvesting of full text articles Increasing OAI-compliancy creates other options in the future Facilitate the creation of article-level metadata for journals Started September 2003 and will be launched in May 2004 Supported by OSI, SPARC and BIBSAM
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson Where do we go from here? Network organisation of editors Make journals aware of possibilities Collaboration
10/23/03 Trieste Round Table Meeting Jörgen Eriksson More information Suggest a journal: