Health Systems
Important to understand health systems because: – It’s how health services are delivered – There’s a relationship between the effectiveness of the health system and the health of an individual – Individuals and countries spend a considerable amount of their wealth/gnp on health Goal is to obtain best population health at the lowest possible cost
Functions Health System raise money for health services provide health services pay for health services participate in governance and regulation of health activities.
Health Systems Include all those who play a role in improving health…. – Those who plan, regulate, and fund – $ that finances health care..public, private, NGO – Service providers Preventative Clinical services – diagnosis, treatment – Those who train/educate health care providers – Producers/providers of equipment, supplies, meds…
Challenge to a developing country is – How to improve the health of a population as quickly and effectively as possible – Need to identify key/most significant health issues and develop strategies that are cost-effective and effective…..have a positive impact on a large number of people E.g. bed nets, vaccination programs, water filtering with folded saris, ORS treatment for diarrheal diseases
Low Income countries that do well.. Invest in nutrition, health, and education. – e.g. free primary education, national healthcare system… Focus on improving people’s knowledge of hygiene and healthcare – washing hands – latrines way from homes and water supply – treating or filtering water – use of oral rehydration solutions to treat diarrheal diseases
Health Care System Based on Access to quality healthcare is a basic human right – Should not be impacted by; Age Gender Income Occupation Political or religious affiliation ethnicity
WHO suggests three (3) goals for every health care system – Good health of the population – Responsiveness to the needs of the population – Fairness of the financial contributions…fairness of who pays
WHO components of Health System See page 89….6 building blocks Goal – High quality and safe health care for all – Care meets needs of individual – Financially fair – health care affordable to all – Efficient system…get as much better health as possible for $ spent
Health systems provide: Prevention Diagnosis Treatment Rehabilitative services Protect the sick and their families against the cost of ill health Carry out key public health functions – surveillance, the operation of public health laboratories, and food and drug administration.
Health Care Systems/Medical Treatment – Signs of Quality Safe – for patients Effective – provide services based on scientific knowledge Patient-centered –consistent with patients needs, values… Timely – limited waiting, reasonable distance for patients to travel to Efficient – avoids waste of equipment, supplies, time Equitable – care doesn’t vary in quality based on personal characteristics of the patient…gender, income, ethnicity, geographic location…
Health Systems Low Income Countries Most have established a public health system that provides each level of care on a geographic basis. However, that publically supported systems usually exists side-by-side with an active private medical sector and health services provided by a variety of NGOs – Often not coordinated in their efforts
Health systems - 3 levels of health care Primary – provided by local health care providers, may not be doctors – should be located throughout the country – reasonably easy access for all Secondary – provided by general hospitals in, larger regional health care centers …in towns/cities – Doctors needed, higher level of care provided Tertiary – specialized hospitals that are staffed with wide-range of specialists One per large city or one per region or country… Advanced diagnosis, surgery, treatment…..
Focus on Primary Care INCLUDES, but not limited to: – Diagnosis, treatment, preventive services… – Maternal health – Family planning – Well baby care – Sick baby diagnosis – Vaccinations – Testing for TB, HIV. Malaria, cholera… – Provides basic drugs, vitamins….. Page 104
Community Health Workers notes/a-vital-link-to-health-services-in-sauri- kenya notes/a-vital-link-to-health-services-in-sauri- kenya nKQ nKQ