Lesson 2: Jeroboam, Nadab & Baasha
Rehoboam17 years BC Abijah (Abijam)3 years BC Asa41 years BC
“the word of the Lord”
22 YEARS BC 1 K INGS 12:28-14:20 2 C HRONICLES 11:14-15; 2 C HRONICLES 13
J EROBOAM ’ S S IN (1 K INGS 12:25-33) Jeroboam is afraid (26-27) Jeroboam took counsel (28 cf. 12:6-11) Jeroboam changes worship (28-33) Places 2 golden calves in Dan & Bethel (cf Ex 34) Houses in the high places for worship Made priests from other tribes and excluded the Levites New feast like the one in Judah (cf Lev 23) Jeroboam’s Feast: 8 th Month 15 th Day Feast of Booths: 7 th Month 15 th Day
T HE M AN OF G OD (1 K INGS 13:1-10) From Judah sent to Bethel by the word of the Lord (1-2) Speaks against the altar setup by Jeroboam (2) Josiah will burn priests/human bones on the altar Gives sign(s) that it will come true (3-6) Altar splitting Jeroboam’s withered hand healed Refuses the king’s offer and goes another way (8-10) He had been commanded by the word of the Lord
T HE O LD P ROPHET (1 K INGS 13:11-19) Living in Bethel (11) Seeks out the man of God from Judah (11-14) Because of the word he spoke (11) Asks the man of God to go home and eat bread (16-17) The man of God refuses because of the command (17) Lied to the man of God (18-19) Claimed an angel spoke to Him (cf. Gal 1:8, 1 John 4:1)
T HE O LD P ROPHET (1 K INGS 13:20-32) Receives the word of the Lord against man of God (20-22) His body will not come to the grave of his fathers Lion doesn’t eat him, the donkey or anyone else Hears about what happened to the man of God (26-31) Goes with his sons to get his body Buries him in his own tomb Knows that the word against the altar will come to pass (32)
J EROBOAM ’ S R ESPONSE (1 K INGS 13:33-34) Kept committing the same sin Will lead to his house being destroyed
J EROBOAM S EEKS A HIJAH (1 K INGS 14) His son Abijah is sick (1) Sends his wife by disguise and with gifts (2-5) Ahijah couldn’t even see any more, but the Lord tells him The word of the Lord to Jeroboam via his wife: Every male in Jeroboam’s house will be cut off (10-14) Dogs and birds will eat them Abjiah will be his only son to go to the grave Lord will raise up another ruler and make a clean sweep
J EROBOAM S EEKS A HIJAH (1 K INGS 14) The word of the Lord to Jeroboam via his wife: Cut off every male in Jeroboam’s house (10-14) Because of the sins of Jeroboam the Lord will: (15-16) Strike Israel Uproot them from the good land Scatter them beyond the River Give Israel up The child (Abijah) dies according to the word of the Lord (18)
2 YEARS BC 1 K INGS 15:25-31
R EIGN OF N ADAB (1 K INGS 15:25-31) Son of Jeroboam, king in 2 nd year of Asa of Judah (25) He walked in the sins of his father (26) In the 3 rd year of Asa (27) Killed by Baasha while besieging Gibbethon
24 YEARS BC 1 K INGS 15:27-16:7 New Dynasty
R EIGN OF B AASHA (1 K INGS 15:27-34) Son of Ahijah of Issachar(27) Killed Nadab at Gibbethon in the 3 rd year of Asa As soon as king, (29) Struck down all of Jeroboam’s house “According to the word of the Lord spoken by Ahijah” War with Asa all the days of his life (32) Walked in the ways of Jeroboam (34)
T HE W ORD OF THE L ORD (1 K INGS 16:1-7) Jehu the son of Hanani against Baasha I exalted you as leader of my people You walked in ways of Jeroboam You caused the people to provoke me to anger I will consume Baasha and his house like Jeroboam Dogs and birds eat the dead (4 cf. 14:11) It’s all because: Walked in the ways of Jeroboam Struck the house of Jeroboam
A PPLICATIONS Man-made religion has no value (M ARK 7:6-8; C OL 2:20-23) 2. There’s evidence for the L ORD ’s judgment on corrupting His worship (J OHN 2:15-19) 3. Knowing the will of the Lord is not enough (J AMES 4:17) 4. Easier to refuse temptation from “wicked” (M ATT 7:15) 5. We must be willing to repent (L UKE 13:3,5; A CTS 2:38) 6. I can’t hide anything from God (1 T IM 5:24-25) 7. The wrath of God is revealed against ungodliness (R OM 1:18 FF )