André Augustinus 16 September 2002 Muon tracker URD summary or, what we understand from the URD
André Augustinus 16 September 2002DCS Workshop 2 Muon-Trk Overview Muon-Trk HVLV Chamb.PS Equipm. ‘CROCUS’ Environm. Temperature Humidity Atm. pressure VME crate Cooling plant detector Alignment Geometry
André Augustinus 16 September 2002DCS Workshop 3 Muon-Trk CAEN 3 crates Ethernet 444 channels UX PX High Voltage: Wiener 24 crates CANbus 288 channels UX PX LV power supply: Wiener HVLV chambersPS Muon-Trk CAEN CROCUS 20 crates
André Augustinus 16 September 2002DCS Workshop 4 Muon-Trk P Crate control: CANbus ? UX PX 1 crate Environment: ? UX PX VME Crate I/O Device H T Equipment ‘CROCUS’ Environment Temperature Humidity Atm. pressure CROCUS ? 20 crates VME crate
André Augustinus 16 September 2002DCS Workshop 5 Muon-Trk Alignment: UX PX RASNIK Ethernet ? Alignment Geometry Geometry and chamber position surveillance with RASNIK system What will be the interface with DCS, and what will be the use of the data from this system.
André Augustinus 16 September 2002DCS Workshop 6 Muon-Trk status High Voltage: CAEN SY1527 Solution available Low Voltage PS: Wiener Solution available (basic, work ongoing) Crate control: Wiener crate Solution available Any other? Crocus Need more information/requirements Environment Solution available Need more information/requirements Cooling Plant Common effort (ST/CV)? Detector No information, will become clearer when decisions are taken Alignment: RASNIK Need more information/requirements FEE No DCS data to/from FE Maybe for FE debugging