Today we want to study how God desires to work powerfully in our lives in a way that will affect change in the lives of those who are wavering in their decision to follow him.
1 Kings 18:20-39
It will only happen when they observe God working His works IN and THROUGH us!
How can we get an apathetic world to profess the name of the one true God?
There is no feeling like that feel of victory, is it?
I find it interesting that we seek that feeling in every other area of our lives, but we don’t seek it in our life with Christ.
second hand
Now wonder Christianity is struggling!
Even though he was used to create this great miracle, Elijah was a human just like you and me.
James 5:17
“He prayed desperately.”
This word was the same one used to describe someone “fleeing with all the speed they had.”
Our tendency as humans is to run from situations where we desperately need God to perform miracles.
Put the Spirit in charge.
Pray desperately for God to work in your life to do what you cannot do.
When the Spirit is in charge we run TOWARD situations where we desperately need God!
It is true that we are human like everyone else, but unlike many other humans we have the Spirit of God residing in us.
What is it that you desperately need today?
Courage to do the right thing?
He can bring WHATEVER you need!
God loves to bless us because of our obedience, but Elijah’s example teaches us that it He also desires to bless us so that we can be a blessing.
We aren’t studying this to make you feel guilty.
We are studying it to make you thirsty.
So where do we start?
Our problem is that we normally focus on what God wants us to DO when He is really focused on what He wants us to BE!
Hebrews 13:20-21
When we read about the early church in Acts we see an unstoppable force.
ONLY you can make this happen.
I Kings18:21
For too long God’s people have been saying nothing.
What do you say today?