Pulsed Power Science & Technology Technical Committee Report to NPSS AdCom – March 2, 2013 Juergen Kolb PPS&T Report to NPSS AdCom - March 2, 2013
Pulsed Power Science & Technology 20 Voting members Chair: Juergen Kolb (effective Jan.2013) New Members: Jose Rossi (National Institute for Space Research, Brazil), Georg Mueller (KIT, Germany), Keith LeChien (National Nuclear Security Administration) AdCom Representatives: Gerry Cooperstein, Mark Crawford PPS&T Report to NPSS AdCom - March 2, 2013
Pulsed Power Science & Technology Reorganization of Awards Committee (Erwin Marx, Peter Haas) TPS Senior Editor Pulsed Power Sci. & Techn.: Weihua Jiang Technical Co-Sponsorship EAPPC/BEAMS (Karlsruhe 2012) Request for Technical Co-sponsorship of EML Symposium 2014 PPPS 2013, June 16-22, San Francisco, Hyatt Regency, Embarcadero Conference Chair:Bryan Oliver Technical Chairs:Mark Crawford, John Verboncoeur Local Arrangements: Pat Corcoran Number of abstracts submitted: 1022 Number of attendees expected: 770 PPS&T Report to NPSS AdCom - March 2, 2013
PPPS 2013 DOE, DoD travel restrictions and the federal budget issues will severely impact conference registration. Foreign attendance is also expected to drop. OMB budget restrictions are also severely impacting Fed. Govt. agency donations/contributions (typically ~ $120k, now assumed to be $60k) Budget was adjusted assuming a 30% total decrease in attendance from 2007 (from 1150 down to 770). Room block has been reduced from 3100 to 2356 room nights. Further reductions will result in loss of conference space. Penalties for drop below 80% of the block (1884 rm nights). PPS&T Report to NPSS AdCom - March 2, 2013
PPPS 2013 Removed the traditional night out social event. Reduced the companion program events (<30%) Reduced the companion program events (<30%). Reduced number of student travel grants (from 20 to 15). Limiting Banquet attendees to 500. Combining Women in Engineering and IEEE Member reception. Removed of USB pen drive w/ abstracts. With these changes we anticipate revenue of $796k, expenses of $709k (down from $ ) with surplus of $87k (12.3% of expense). PPS&T Report to NPSS AdCom - March 2, 2013
PPPS 2013 NRL Requirement: "The Component command or organization accomplishes the co-sponsorship through a written agreement that includes the nature and purpose of the event, the undertakings and liabilities of the parties, funding responsibilities and costs (including admission fees), a disclaimer of Government liability if the Component command or organization reduces the level of its participation of completely withdraws, and a statement that the non-Federal entity will not use the fact of co-sponsorship of the event to imply DoD endorsement of the organization or its other events." PPS&T Report to NPSS AdCom - March 2, 2013
PPS&T Objectives 2013 Revision of Constitution and Bylaws Transition to an elected committee PPS&T Report to NPSS AdCom - March 2, 2013