Careers Conference Madison, WI January 30, 2008. West Sioux Community School and Hope Haven, Inc.’s C areer A nd S elf E xploration.


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Presentation transcript:

Careers Conference Madison, WI January 30, 2008

West Sioux Community School and Hope Haven, Inc.’s C areer A nd S elf E xploration

Funding for CASE State of Iowa Improving Transition Outcomes grant project administered by Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services with funding through the US Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy.

Goal Each student in the class will graduate with a career goal and a plan in order to obtain that goal.

Successful Partnerships Hope Haven, Inc. and West Sioux Hope Haven, Inc. and West Sioux Vocational Rehabilitation and West Sioux Vocational Rehabilitation and West Sioux Improving Transition Outcomes and CASE Project Improving Transition Outcomes and CASE Project Workforce Investment Act Workforce Investment Act Hawarden Area Partners for Progress and CASE Project Hawarden Area Partners for Progress and CASE Project

Components of CASE: Self Determination Self Determination Comprehensive Curriculum Comprehensive Curriculum Entrepreneurial Experience Entrepreneurial Experience Career Exploration Career Exploration Job Shadowing Job Shadowing Resource Mapping Resource Mapping

Assessing Readiness “Ready or Not?” Commitment Commitment Environmental Awareness Environmental Awareness Self Awareness Self Awareness Personal Closeness Personal Closeness

Developing Readiness “Here We Go!” Personal Readiness Personal Readiness Academic Awareness Academic Awareness Environmental Awareness Environmental Awareness Social Competence Social Competence

Choosing a Goal “Make the Choice!” Clarifying Values Clarifying Values Defining Career Characteristics Defining Career Characteristics Creating My Wish List Creating My Wish List Selecting a Career Goal Selecting a Career Goal

Achieving the Goal “Follow the Dream!” Relationship Building Relationship Building Developing a post-high school plan (Career/College) Developing a post-high school plan (Career/College)

CASE Implementation “Train the Trainer” “Train the Trainer” Class Composition Class Composition Class Structure Class Structure

Entrepreneurship “Falcon Joe’s” “Falcon Joe’s” Business Experience Business Experience Place for Success Place for Success

Community Connection Work Sites Work Sites Guest Speakers Guest Speakers Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Community Customers Community Customers Hosting Organizations Hosting Organizations

Student Learning How to work with others, team work. How to work with others, team work. How to make coffee. How to make coffee. Responsibility (must show up to work). Responsibility (must show up to work). Never be late. Never be late. A business takes time and is hard work. A business takes time and is hard work. If things don’t work properly, it will fail. If things don’t work properly, it will fail. Sometimes you have to get up early to be at work on time. Sometimes you have to get up early to be at work on time. Responses provided through a student survey after the first year of CASE.

Assessment The number of students enrolling in a training program will increase. Baseline data will be the graduating class of The number of students enrolling in a training program will increase. Baseline data will be the graduating class of 2004.

Success Stories Completing Education Completing Education Entering Post High School Education Entering Post High School Education Utilizing Vocational Rehabilitation Utilizing Vocational Rehabilitation Improving Self Esteem Improving Self Esteem Awards Awards Innovation and Quality Award from IA Association of Community Providers Group Specialized Services Award from the IA Chapter of the International Association of Workforce Professionals Second Place Specialized Customer Services/Group from the International Association of Workforce Professionals Local Committee of the Year Award from IA Commission of Persons with Disabilities

Future of CASE Expand enrollment Expand enrollment Strengthen entrepreneurship Strengthen entrepreneurship Data collection Data collection Disseminate to other schools Disseminate to other schools Expand to adult populations Expand to adult populations

Questions? West Sioux High School 1300 Falcon Drive Hawarden, IA (712) or