BY: Tiffany, Tamar, Makayla, Whitney Venus BY: Tiffany, Tamar, Makayla, Whitney
Size of Venus Venus’ diameter is 12,100 km across In comparison to Earth: It’s diameter is 95% of Earth’s 86% it’s volume & 81% of it’s mass
Composition & Atmosphere Venus has a 97% carbon dioxide atmosphere Venus’ surface contains certain long-lived radioactive isotopes of Uranium & Thorium
NASA Research Suggests Venus is geologically alive. Has volcanoes that erupt every few hundred years – 2.5 million years ago. Young lava flows have been identified by the way they emit infrared radiation. 1,000 craters relatively smaller than on other planets in the solar system.
Tilt , Year, and Day 177.4 degrees is how far the axis is tilted. 224.7 of earth days to make a year. 243 earth days equal a day on Venus.
Moons Of Planet NO MOONS
Special Features Visible to the naked eye without help from a telescope. Thought of as most beautiful and brightest planet in the heavens. Always close to the sun in the sky appearing as morning star before sunrise and evening star before sunset.
History “The geologic history of Venus has been a long History” Pythagoras in the 6th century B.C. discovered Venus.
President of Planets Cause we got the hottest surface of all the other planets.(TANNING!!!!) Named after a sexy goddess. Has unique qualities that the other planets don’t have.
What Person The roman Goddess of love and beauty. The tennis player Venus Williams.