Supporting the right to know for trade in certain hazardous chemicals International High-level expert Conference on Chemical Safety and Rotterdam Convention: Policies and Practices in Russia 14 –15 October 2010, Moscow
Objective To promote shared responsibility and cooperative efforts among Parties in the international trade of certain hazardous chemicals in order to protect human health and the environment from potential harm and to contribute to their environmentally sound use
Global status of ratifications
Scope of the Convention Applies to: Chemicals banned or severely restricted to protect human health or the environment Severely hazardous pesticide formulations (SHPF) - causing problems under conditions of use in developing countries or countries with economies in transition
NOTE Not a ban!
Key Provisions PIC procedure - Supports decision-making for importing countries - Seeks compliance from exporting Parties Information exchange - Sharing information on potentially hazardous chemicals - Provides the basis for decisions on future imports and exports of chemicals (PIC procedure)
Key Players 1. Designated National Authorities (DNAs) 2. Conference of the Parties (COP) 3. Chemical Review Committee (CRC) 4. Secretariat
SUMMARY of the PIC procedure SECRETARIATSECRETARIAT Informs all of decision (PIC Circular) PIC CIRCULAR (Appendix IV) by chemical: - import responses from countries - failure list: countries not having submitted a response Country Distribution to all DNAs Takes an import decision (interim or final) Replies to the country Reviews information Party submits final regulatory action – information shared 2 nd regulatory action triggers CRC review CRC recommends chemical for listing COP lists chemical - Annex III Decision Guidance Document
Benefits 1. Secretariat facilitates dialogue Brings country together with partners prior to ratification Greater understanding on trade issues facilitated
Benefits 1. Facilitates trade Supports a country to import Improves relations between trading countries Legal framework on trade – ‘levels the playing field’
Benefits 1. Prevents unwanted trade PIC procedure is legally binding on Parties Importing Parties make informed decisions on trade Exporting Parties avoid sending unwanted chemicals Parties
Benefits 2. Early warning system PIC circular provides information on regulatory actions globally Also information on incidents of health impacts for SHPF Decision Guidance Documents – supports decision making
Benefits 4. Export notification Reminds importing Parties of a national regulatory action in the country of the exporting Party Informs importing Parties that the chemical may be in use in their country Provides an opportunity to seek further information from the exporting Party
Benefits 5. Information accompanying export Support for implementation of GHS – labelling and data sheets HS Codes facilitate tracking PIC chemicals
Benefits 6. Network of DNAs Access to DNAs in other countries with similar conditions Opportunities to exchange experience and information
Benefits 7. Technical Assistance Parties cooperate in developing infrastructure and capacity Access to GEF financial support Strengthen capacity of Parties to assess risks associated with industrial chemicals Development of National Chemicals Profiles
A ban is not meant Trade by consent NOTE again
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