Vocabulary Unit 10 Sophomores Level E
Acquiesce Verb To accept without protest; to agree or submit Because they had no choice, the students aquiesced to the test being on Monday.
Acquiesce Synonyms Comply with Resist Accede Protest Consent Yield Antonyms Resist Protest
Allure Verb To entice; tempt; to be attractive to Noun A strong attraction; the power to attract or charm No having to do any work, often allures students into plagiarizing the work of others.
Allure Verb Begile Tantalize Noun Temptation Enticement Verb Repel Synonyms Verb Begile Tantalize Noun Temptation Enticement Antonyms Verb Repel Turn off Noun Repellent
Askew Adjective, adverb Twisted to one side, crooked; disapprovingly Somebody bumped the photographer’s arm causing the image to become askew.
Askew Synonyms Awry Lopsided cockeyed Antonyms Straight Symmetrical
Blithe Adjective Cheerful, lighthearted; casual, unconcerned. Even though the country is in turmoil, Barrack Obama’s entry into the White House helps attitudes to remain blithe.
Blithe Synonyms Carefree Glum Nonchalant Morose Indifferent Despondent Antonyms Glum Morose Despondent Depressed
Contentious Adjective Quarrelsome, inclined to argue Lawyers are sometimes called contentious because they are highly skilled in the art of the argument.
Contentious Synonyms Argumentative Agreeable Disputatious Amiable Combative Antonyms Agreeable Amiable Affable Pacific
Covet Verb To desire something belonging to another Feelings of jealous caused the students to covet Mary’s new BMW.
Covet Synonyms Crave Disdain Yearn for Scorn Hunger for Dispise Antonyms Disdain Scorn Dispise
Crestfallen Adjective Discouraged, dejected, downcast After the students failed the vocabulary test, their attitudes became crestfallen.
Crestfallen Synonyms Despondent Elated Disconsolate Cheerful Antonyms Elated Cheerful Self-satisfied Cocky
Disheveled Adjective Rumpled, mussed; hanging in disorder Despite being a brilliant scientist, Albert Einstein’s physical appearance was disheveled.
Disheveled Synonyms Untidy Tidy Disarranged Neat Tousled Orderly Unkempt Antonyms Tidy Neat Orderly Well-groomed
Exponent Noun One who advocates, speaks for, explains, or interprets; (math) the power to which a number, symbol, or expression is to be raised. Very few Repulicans are open exponents of the new stimulus plan which has been embraced by Democrats.
Exponent Synonyms Defender Critic Champion Adversary Interpreter Antonyms Critic Adversary Faultfinder Detractor
Garrulous Adjective Given to much talking, tediously chatty Garrulous students cause their fellow classmates to become distracted and detract from their learning.
Garrulous Synonyms Talkative Reticent Loquacious Mum Long-winded Antonyms Reticent Mum Taciturn Laconic Reserved
Insuperable Adjective Incapable of being overcome Blindness is not an insuperable handicap for students since the invention of Braille.
Insuperable Synonyms Invincible Surmountable Insurmountable Antonyms Surmountable Conquerable
Lamentable Adjective To be regretted or pitied The shooting of Officer Pawlowski is a lamentable situation, especially because his widow is five-months pregnant.
Lamentable Synonyms Deplorable Praiseworthy Regrettable Commendable Distressing Antonyms Praiseworthy Commendable Laudable
Misnomer Noun An unsuitable or misleading name Calling a Yorkshire Terrior a watch dog is a misnomer because the breed is small and slight.
Misnomer Synonyms Misnaming Malapropism
Profess Verb To affirm openly; to state belief in; to claim, pretend Chris Brown professed his guilt in hitting Rhianna after being arrested and publically shamed.
Profess Synonyms Assert Disclaim Declare Disavow Proclaim Repudiate Purport Antonyms Disclaim Disavow Repudiate
Respite Noun A period of relief or rest After swimming the 400-meter individual medley, the racer deserved a respite from the pool.
Respite Synonyms Interval Intermission Lull Breather
Retribution Noun A repayment; a deserved punishment The parents grounded the young lady as retribution after she stayed out too late.
Retribution Synonyms Recompense Requital Just deserts
Sinuous Adjective Winding, having many curves; lithe and flexible Because the road is sinuous, the drivers must slow their speed.
Sinuous Synonyms Twisting Direct Convulted Straight Serpentine Supple Antonyms Direct Straight Unbending Stiff Rigid
Sonorous Adjective Full, deep, or rich in sound; impressive in style. The sonorous voices of the choir exulted in the good works of Jesus.
Sonorous Resonant Resounding Grandiloquent Tinny Reedy Harsh Grating Synonyms Resonant Resounding Grandiloquent Antonyms Tinny Reedy Harsh Grating
Vanguard Noun The foremost part of an army; the leading position in any field. Harvard University has an esteemed reputation because it remains a vanguard in the education of lawyers.
Vanguard Forefront Cutting edge Trailblazers Rear guard Stragglers Synonyms Forefront Cutting edge Trailblazers Antonyms Rear guard Stragglers Laggards
Wastrel Noun A wasteful person, a spendthrift; a good-for-nothing Celebrities are often called wastrels because they are capricious in their spending.
Wastrel Loafer Idler Squanderer Profligate Skinflint Tightwad Miser Synonym Loafer Idler Squanderer Profligate Antonym Skinflint Tightwad Miser