Review Global Test
Synonyms synonym A synonym is a word that has the same meaning of another word HAPPY = GLAD HOUSE = HOME SHORE = BEACH
Antonyms antonym An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word
Write a check ( ) if the words are synonyms. Write a cross (X) if they are not. BIG _____ LITTLE STORY _____ TALE BOY _____ MAN CRY _____ SEE CUP _____ MUG ROCK ____STONE BOAT _____ SHIP
Match the words that are antonyms
Compound words compound word A compound word is a big word made with two smaller words
Write the names of each word. Then, write the compound word
Contractions Contractions Contractions are made when two words are put together, one letter is dropped and an apostrophe is added in its place. SHE + IS = She’s HE + IS = He’s I + AM = I’m YOU + ARE = You’re WE + ARE = We’re
Write the correct contraction