生物技術概論 ( 高立圖書 ) 第十章 10-1 Fish antifreeze proteins - applications Antifreeze proteins isolated from Newfoundland fish sell for $5,000-$7,000 per gram, with.


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Presentation transcript:

生物技術概論 ( 高立圖書 ) 第十章 10-1 Fish antifreeze proteins - applications Antifreeze proteins isolated from Newfoundland fish sell for $5,000-$7,000 per gram, with one litre of fish blood yielding between one and four grams. Most of the blood serum comes from ocean pout fish at the Wesleyville hatchery, where people are trained to extract it. The serum is then sent to A/F Protein Canada where the proteins are isolated. A big market for the use of antifreeze proteins is in the preservation of blood platelets. Blood platelets are normally stored at room temperature for five days, after which they are no longer viable and are discarded. "[Protein antifreeze] could simplify or extend the shelf life of platelets for quite a long time and may mean less units collected," Dr. Fletcher explained. "It could change how the marketplace works for this product....of course it will have to go through regulatory agencies before it is used, but it is highly promising."

生物技術概論 ( 高立圖書 ) 第十章 10-2 Fish antifreeze proteins - applications Further research has shown that the proteins protect mammalian eggs and other cells during cold or frozen storage, and the potential exists to use the proteins to protect human organs for transplantation. For example, rat livers infused with the proteins show a higher level of viability than non-infused ones. Dr. Fletcher says that much research is still needed before the new technology can be incorporated with the current practices, but the possibility is there for organs to be preserved for longer periods than is now possible. Some companies in the frozen dessert industry are studying how antifreeze proteins modify the way that frozen foods recrystallize. Normally, when a product like ice cream melts and is frozen again it loses its smooth texture as ice crystals begin recrystallizing into bigger crystals. The antifreeze proteins can modify this process and prevent the crystals from growing. Such a breakthrough would be very lucrative since desserts, and ice cream in particular, are popular products. There are still many hurdles to overcome before antifreeze proteins are fully understood and their applications become an everyday reality.

生物技術概論 ( 高立圖書 ) 第十章 新基因的發現和選殖複製 圖 10.6AFPs 作為人類組織的低溫保護劑。