The Age of Pericles 4.4
Delian League Defend against Persia/drive Persia out of Greek territory Athens and allies- NO SPARTA Athens soon became headquarters
Democracy Direct Democracy All citizens can vote on each law or policy In Athens, male citizens over age 18 attended assembly meetings Representative Democracy Citizens choose the people who make the laws and policies In the United States, Congress passes laws Both Citizens participate in government The people hold the power
Pericles Athenian Statesman- Ruled 30+ years Demanded payment and loyalty from league members Allowed lower class citizens to run for public office Paid officeholders- the poor could participate!
Government Direct democracy Assembly- passed all laws, elected officials, made decisions on war and foreign affairs 10 officials (generals) who carried out laws and policies 43,000 male citizens/ >6000 attended every 10 days
Economy Farming- grains, vegetables, fruit, grapes, olives Herders- sheep, goats Imported grain Trading center
Culture Major rebuilding after Persian Wars New temples/statues Arts, architects, writers, philosophers, The School of Greece Slavery common Men- worked in am, exercised, meeting in afternoon Women- home and family, leave with men
Wars Peloponnesian Wars- Athens and Delian League against Sparta 1 st winter- Pericles-Funeral Oration to honor dead Power of democracy and courage to fight Athens moved inside walls of city, navy delivered supplies 2 nd year- disease killed 1/3 of pop, including Pericles
Sparta No navy Made deal with Persian Empire $ for navy for Greek land in Asia Minor
Surrender 1 year later, Athens surrendered Sparta tore down walls, broke up empire Weakened all city-states Many died/farms destroyed/no jobs (unemployment) No unity Sparta attempted rule rebellions