Nils Ehlers Forum for the Future of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010
Nils Ehlers, Initiative and Referendum Institute Europe Making Democracy sustainable Direct Democracy and other Forms of Participation from a Bottom-Up Perspective Forum for the Fututre of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010
Nils Ehlers Forum for the Future of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010 Citizens want to be heard on substantive issues... Berlin, September 18 th, 2010: people demonstrate against nuclear power
Nils Ehlers Forum for the Future of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010 How can citizens articulate their will on issues? informally (e.g. demonstrations, „political shopping“...) half-formally (e.g. civil society, political parties...) formally (e.g. direct democracy)
Nils Ehlers Forum for the Future of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010 Which effect has... only informal citizens' action ? formal citizens' action ? > destabilizing > stabilizing
Nils Ehlers Forum for the Future of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010 ways of formal citizens' action on issues direct democracy (popular initiative, referenda) participatory democracy (e.g. participatory budgeting, organized dialogues)
Nils Ehlers Forum for the Future of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010 Modern direct democracy... includes these procedures: obligatory referendum facultative referendum citizens’ initiative agenda initiative
Nils Ehlers Forum for the Future of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010 Modern direct democracy... does not equate with popular votes like: recall (on persons) plebiscite (initiated top-down) election (on parties or persons)
Nils Ehlers Forum for the Future of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010 Participatory democracy... means, that (local) authorities: inform citizens about future projects on an early stage ask for citizens' ideas encourage citizens to work for the public
Nils Ehlers Forum for the Future of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010 Participatory democracy... includes for example: participatory budgeting organized dialogues (with citizens or civil society) volunteering programmes
Nils Ehlers Forum for the Future of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010 Participatory demo- cracy is... - depending on free willing cooperation - additional to the constitutional political system - integrating citizens (horizontal) Direct democracy is... - regulated by constitution and law - within the checks and balances of repre- sentative democracy - empowering citizens (bottom-up)
Nils Ehlers Forum for the Future of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010 Participatory demo- cracy is... „software“ helpful to deepen the democratic identity of people Direct democracy is... „hardware“ necessary to strengthen democracy
Nils Ehlers Forum for the Future of Democracy Yerevan, October 20 th, 2010 Participatory democr.: Civil society hearings in the convention Global civil society/ citizens forums ? Example: European Union Outlook: Transnational level Direct democracy: European Citizens Initiative (ECI) Global Citizens Initiative ?