What is Government? Governments decide laws, enforce laws, and usually People need rules to live together without conflict Rules and laws are created by governments Governments provide services through taxes Governments enforce the laws they create Governments decide laws, enforce laws, and usually provide for common Defense of the nation.
Things in Common Taxes - most types of governments collect taxes from citizens for services. Schools and military Leadership – there is usually an individual or group of people in charge Laws – all governments have some form of rules or laws Military – most governments are in charge of forming and maintaining defense forces (Army)
Types of Governments There are 5 main types of Governments Direct Democracy Representative Democracy Constitutional Monarchy Absolute monarchy Dictatorship
Direct Democracy All citizens vote directly on issues Some towns in New England Parts of Switzerland Limited Power
Representative Democracy People vote for leaders who make the laws for them Voting on candidates not issues The winner of elections “represents” the people’s wishes Limited Power
Constitutional Monarchy A monarch (king or queen) inherits right to rule but is limited by laws made by parliament People vote for leaders who make the laws for them Voting on candidates not issues The winner of elections “represents” the people’s wishes Limited Power
Absolute Monarchy A monarch (king or queen) inherits right to rule and has unlimited power There is no voting by the people Laws are decided by King or Queen Saudi Arabia is an example Unilimited Power
Dictatorship A dictator makes all laws and suppresses any opposition Dictators sometimes come to power through violence Usually rule through fear Limit speech, press, and religions Answer to no one Unlimited Power
Infamous Dictators Adolf Hitler (Germany) Saddam Hussein (Iraq) Joseph Stalin (Russia) Mao Zedong (China)
Which type sounds good to you? Direct Democracy Representative Democracy Constitutional Monarchy Absolute Monarchy Dictatorship